Marvel reportedly refused to bring back these directors and is still looking for the lucky one

Marvel reportedly refused to bring back these directors and is still looking for the lucky one
Marvel reportedly refused to bring back these directors and is still looking for the lucky one

These directors were apparently keen to come back and take care ofAvengers 5but Marvel reportedly refused.

Whether you’re a Marvel fan or not, the impact and success of the films Avengers is undeniable. It’s simple, three of the four installments of the saga bringing together the superheroes are currently in the top 10 of the biggest box office successes in History (excluding inflation). Endgamethe latest, even rose to first place in the ranking for a while, beforeAvatar James Cameron’s film is not taking advantage of a re-release to reclaim its throne. Except that, since Endgamethe success of the connected universe led by Kevin Feige is no longer the same.

The film served as a conclusion to the MCU for many, and flops like Ant-Man 3 et The Marvels prove that the firm is struggling to restart the machine. The last two opuses ofAvengers, Infinity War et Endgamehave grossed almost five billion between them, so, logically, Marvel and Disney have high expectations for a new reunion. The goal: to makeAvengers 5 an event, even if it means refusing the services of two directors who, in the past, had made them successful.

A conclusion that may have been a little too conclusive

Avengers: Infinity Goodbye

According to Jeff Sneider, who revealed the information in the podcast Hot Mic, Anthony and Joe Russo, directors of the last two films Avengerswould have offered their services to Marvel for Avengers 5… except that the studio would have refused their offer. The information may seem absurd since the two men had clearly managed to direct the two biggest successes of the MCU without too much flinching. And it would not be useless for the MCU to pay for the services of directors who know the universe and its codes to start again even better.

However, while Marvel has experienced some financial and/or commercial disappointments, perhaps certain elements scare the studio with regard to the duo’s demands. Indeed, the brothers are currently experiencing a huge problem on their future film The Electric Statesince the budget would have exploded to reach 300 million dollars, according to different sources. An overrun not really planned and that Marvel would perhaps like to avoid with the duo on the next Avengers.

The future of the MCU?

For the moment, no director is attached to Avengers 5 while its filming is supposed to begin in 2025. That said, a name comes up around this fifth opus, that of Shawn Levy, director of Deadpool & Wolverine. Could this be the solution? Possible. In any case, if the filmmaker is indeed in the sights, this seems to prove, at the very least, that Kevin Feige is satisfied with the third opus of the adventures of Deadpool scheduled for July 24, 2024. To be continued…



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