Jean-Luc Reichmann’s funny reflection on Emilien’s journey in Les 12 coups de midi

Jean-Luc Reichmann’s funny reflection on Emilien’s journey in Les 12 coups de midi
Jean-Luc Reichmann’s funny reflection on Emilien’s journey in Les 12 coups de midi

While many sporting competitions overlap at the beginning of July, Jean-Luc Reichmann took the opportunity to draw a funny parallel with Émilien, his champion of 12 noon strikes.

Jean-Luc Reichmann was smiling on July 1st! To launch his traditional game of 12 noon strikesthe host of the daily TF1 program began by listing the many sporting competitions that have taken place at the moment.Today is a July 1st full of events: Tour de France, start of the Wimbledon tournament, eighth finals of the Euro…“, he said before adding that sport was also in the spotlight on his show. Following this introduction, the interpreter of Léo Mattéï welcomed Émilien, his midday Master, by making a funny parallel.

He rose to first place” : Jean-Luc Reichmann draws up Émilien’s list of achievements in The 12 strokes of noon

Starting off on a very sporty note, the presenter, who will soon celebrate his 5000th 12 noon strikes on TF1, painted a portrait of its greatest champion in the same tone.It wasn’t really his physique that made him break the charts.but rather thanks to his mind“, he began by introducing, for those who missed him, the history student who has been on air since September 25.”A fierce competitor, he rose to first place among the biggest winners of TV game shows in France.“, continued the 63-year-old man, not a little proud of the nice words found for his young roommate on the set.

The 12 strokes of noon : small breakdown for Émilien these last two days on TF1

After another great performance on Saturday, June 29, marked by a “Masterstroke” of 20,000 euros, Jessica’s boyfriend has just suffered two minor disappointments. Even if he continues, without really trembling, his journey in The 12 strokes of noonthe young man born in Nantes failed two successive days to achieve 5/5 in the final round. In addition to not winning “what“1000 euros out of the 10,000 that he could have added to his prize pool, the candidate therefore did not make any new proposals to the Mysterious Star. Despite this slight setback, his total prize pool still amounts to 1,204,871 euros in winnings and gifts.



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