Lénie (Star Academy) will not regret …

Lénie (Star Academy) will not regret …
Lénie (Star Academy) will not regret …

As the Star Academy tour comes to an end this weekend, Lénie took stock of her adventure on her Instagram account.

For several months, the students of the Star Academy have delivered breathtaking performances as part of the tour. After four intense months, the adventure will soon come to an end. This Saturday, July 6, the seven students will go on stage together one last time. It is about the final concert of the tour, which has been the subject of many rumors.

For the occasion, Lénie took stock of her adventure on her Instagram account. This Monday, July 1, she spoke to her subscribers:
“More than 70 dates in 4 months, not counting 3 months of adventure at the castle with friends… It’s crazy, I still can’t realize that there are only two dates left”, she explained.

Lénie takes stock of her adventure

While the former student of the Star Academy is preparing to draw a line under this chapter of her life, she said she was nevertheless relieved: “It’s sad and at the same time, it is a reliefbecause it is an extreme experience that pushes you to surpass yourself, to always be up to the task, to constantly push your limits, sometimes putting your health aside”she revealed.

However, she did mention the people present during the tour: “It’s wonderful to learn this profession with people who are fulfilled of lights and kindness”, she explained. It must be said that the frenetic pace of rehearsals was not easy for the artists.

A complicated tour for Lénie

During the tour, Lénie was ill several times. As a result, she was unable to go on stage, just like Pierre and Julien. Despite the challenges, she draws positives and now feels transformed: “This adventure has completely changed who I was and who I am. I thank myself for giving myself the means and I thank you for being so present and so receptiveshe said.

Now, the young woman intends to continue on her path and has some nice surprises in store for her fans: “This is just the beginning of another adventure which will be minee”, she concluded.



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