Former LR MP boss Olivier Marleix clearly outpaced by RN in Eure-et-Loir – Libération

Former LR MP boss Olivier Marleix clearly outpaced by RN in Eure-et-Loir – Libération
Former LR MP boss Olivier Marleix clearly outpaced by RN in Eure-et-Loir – Libération
Legislative elections 2024dossier

The outgoing elected representative from Dreux qualifies for the second round but is clearly behind the RN, in a department where the party with the flame does not yet have any deputies.

The macronie would have dreamed of it. But without local roots, tripping up Olivier Marleix in the 2nd constituency of Eure-et-Loir (Centre-Val de Loire), that of Dreux, seemed like an illusion. However, it is an RN without a presence which is in pole position to outsmart him. The outgoing deputy and former boss of LR elected officials in the National Assembly is clearly ahead in the first round of the legislative elections by Olivier Dubois. After the counting of more than half of the ballots, the RN would obtain 44.26% of the votes against 29.26% for the LR framework, which it will face in the second round. Boss of an SME in Ile-de-France, unknown in the department, the candidate rode the good scores of the far right in the department. In the Europeans, Jordan Bardella’s list collected nearly 38%, ten points more than in 2019.

In the “circo”, the socialist candidate of the New Popular Front, Nadia Faveris would come in third position (15.97%). The presidential coalition candidate Florent Mazy would collect 7.85%. In this bastion of the Gaullist right for more than thirty years, the majority weighed the risk of a victory for the extreme right, wondering whether it was necessary to send a candidate against Olivier Marleix. The former mayor of Anet, elected since 2012, is well established. He was also one of the first to refuse Eric Ciotti’s alliance with the RN, assuring on TF1 even before the Nice native spoke: “We will be candidates under our colors. Without arrangements. None.”

In 1983, the FN-RPR alliance in Dreux

But this visceral anti-macronist, never shy of slander against the head of state, convinced the leaders of the majority to place an aspirant opposite him. Even if it means letting go of a young 24-year-old candidate labeled Horizons. To believe Republican Echo, Gabriel Attal made numerous phone calls to find a candidate. Even Emmanuel Macron would have wet his shirt.

For the RN, Dreux and its surroundings are symbolic. In September 1983, the Socialist Party lost the town hall after an alliance between the RPR list and that of the National Front. A first breach in the cordon santé between the two formations. And the beginning, for Jean-Marie Le Pen’s movement, of a series of electoral successes. During a partial legislative election in 1989, FN candidate Marie-France Stirbois won against an RPR candidate, becoming the only member of the Frontist party to sit in the National Assembly between 1989 and 1993. In 2022, Marleix largely won in the second round (62%) against a Marinist candidate, Aleksandar Nikolic (37%).

As soon as they are published by the Ministry of the Interior, find all the results by constituency of the first round of the 2024 legislative elections on the Libération website.



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