Even more animals abandoned in Montreal, worries the SPCA

Even more animals abandoned in Montreal, worries the SPCA
Even more animals abandoned in Montreal, worries the SPCA

The number of abandoned pets has jumped again in Montreal. The Montreal SPCA noted a 21% increase in animals entrusted to it for the first four months of 2024 compared to the same period in 2023.

Animal abandonments had already increased by 21% for the first four months of 2023 compared to 2022.

For dogs, the increase is even higher, at 35%, or 166 more abandoned dogs than in 2023 at the same date.

As the 1st approachesis July, the number of abandonments should increase again as many Montrealers move, worries the general director of the SPCA from Montreal, Laurence Massé.

We realize that, behind each abandonment, there is a financial reason. The economic context of inflation is at the heart of this phenomenonshe maintains.

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In 2023, the Montreal SPCA helped 12,921 animals. (Archive photo)

Photo : Radio-Canada/Simon-Marc Charron

Finding suitable, affordable housing where pets are accepted has become almost mission impossible, says Massé. animals that are abandoned SPCA of Montreal because their family cannot find accommodation that accepts pets.”,”text”:”Every year, more than 400 animals are abandoned at the Montreal SPCA because their family cannot find accommodation that accept pets.”}}”>Every year, more than 400 animals are abandoned at the SPCA from Montreal because their family cannot find accommodation that accepts pets.

According to data from the SPCA In Montreal, only 4.2% of owners accept dogs in their homes, while 25% of households have a dog in Quebec.

Montreal SPCA, they do it reluctantly. Someone who is not able to find accommodation that accepts their pet, they either go to the street, or they abandon their pet”,”text”:”The People who give up at the Montreal SPCA do so reluctantly. Someone who is not able to find accommodation that accepts their pet, they either go to the street, or they abandon their pet”}}”>People who give up SPCA from Montreal, they do it reluctantly. Someone who is unable to find accommodation that accepts their pet either goes to the street or abandons their petexplains Ms. Massé.

According to her, clauses that prohibit animals in housing should be abolished, as has been done in France and Ontario.

Bill 67 in Quebec, if adopted, will be a step in the right direction, says Ms. Massé. Currently, veterinarians of the SPCA are not allowed to treat animals belonging to the public. Once the bill is passed, they will be able to do so, which will allow the SPCA of Montreal to open a low-cost veterinary clinic for low-income people.

Crowded shelters

Due to the increase in abandonments, the shelters of the SPCA of Montreal are crowded. This is worrying, because the shelters are already full and we have not yet reached the date of July 1st. To overcome this problem, the team must play with the space they have and keep animals in their offices. We were really creative in our spaceslaunches Laurence Massé.

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In addition to dealing with this traffic, the organization must deal with a lack of foster families for its pets.

The average length of stay at the SPCA of a pet is twice as long as it was a few years ago. 000Quebec households who have adopted a pet […] This means that now, the number of potential adopters is really reduced”,”text”:”During the pandemic, more than 200,000 Quebec households adopted a pet […] This means that, now, the potential adopters are really reduced”}}”>During the pandemic, more than 200,000 Quebec households adopted a pet […] This means that, now, the potential adopters are really reducedexplains Ms. Massé.

It’s really a phenomenon that we see across Canada. The shelters are overflowing.

A quote from Laurence Massé, general director of the Montreal SPCA

Through it all, the SPCA Montreal has to deal with a limited budget, as it is mainly financed by public donations.

With information from The Canadian Press



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