To strengthen the regional social fabric

To strengthen the regional social fabric
To strengthen the regional social fabric

Previously in place in certain towns and villages of the MRC, it is since the summer of 2022 that the community work program has been deployed throughout the territory of Portneuf. This regional formula allows the presence of youth workers aged 12 to 25 in the county’s 18 municipalities. This summer, four community workers will explore the territory of Portneuf.

Community work is a local approach that allows us to meet young people in their immediate environment by offering them human contact and direct services related to their needs.


Active listening, openness, maintaining relationships, personalized references and building trust help support young people as a whole. By working closely with residents, schools, community organizations and local authorities, outreach work strengthens existing support networks and creates new opportunities to promote social inclusion and autonomy.

The objectives of community work are to strengthen community ties and foster a sense of belonging, offer personalized support to young people, prevent social isolation and crisis situations and facilitate access to resources and social services.

Vast territory

As the territory of Portneuf is vast, it becomes more difficult for young people to have access to local services and isolation is felt by those who do not have means of transportation.

Few gathering spaces are listed and available for adolescents, which may lead them to frequent less safe places.

Contacting a trusted youth resource helps reduce harm and prevents an increase in risky behaviors, such as vandalism, consumption, unprotected sexual practices and impaired driving.

At the end of summer 2024, data collection will make it possible to measure the impact of this project.

Partners and team

Among the project partners we find the MRC of Portneuf, the cities and municipalities, the youth centers and premises and the Sûreté du Québec

The mid-2024 work team is made up of Caroline Castonguay, Laurie Lamontagne, Karolann Julien, Danika Julien, Aïssata Kane, Edith Julien and Sophie Genois.



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