Lorient Oceans. The best viewpoints to enjoy the grand parade

Lorient Oceans. The best viewpoints to enjoy the grand parade
Lorient Oceans. The best viewpoints to enjoy the grand parade

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Thirty iconic boats, including the Étoile du Roy and the Santa Maria Manuela, will parade in the harbor of Lorient (Morbihan) during the grand maritime parade of the Lorient Océans festival, Sunday June 30, 2024, from 2 p.m.

Around thirty boats, old sailing ships, ocean racing yachts, fishing boats, etc. will parade on Sunday June 30, in the harbor of Lorient, for the Lorient Oceans festival. | WEST FRANCE

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  • Around thirty boats, old sailing ships, ocean racing yachts, fishing boats, etc. will parade on Sunday June 30, in the harbor of Lorient, for the Lorient Oceans festival. | WEST FRANCE

From the citadel of Port-Louis to the port of Pen Mané in Locmiquélic, around thirty boats emblematic of the activities of the harbor of Lorient will participate in the great maritime parade of the Lorient Oceans festival, Sunday June 30, 2024.

At 2 p.m., the Ultim class trimaran Sodebo will set off first, opening the way to a whole armada of old rigs, including the famous Star of the King and the Saint Mary Manuelafrom racing yachts to…



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