Legislative. More than 3,000 proxies registered at the Saint-Brieuc town hall for the two rounds

Legislative. More than 3,000 proxies registered at the Saint-Brieuc town hall for the two rounds
Legislative. More than 3,000 proxies registered at the Saint-Brieuc town hall for the two rounds

A figure that seems quite high. What augurs well for a very good participation rate? The town hall of Saint-Brieuc (Côtes-d’Armor) received 3,002 valid proxies for the two rounds of the legislative elections, this Friday June 28, 2024.

They are divided between 1,582 in the first round and 1,420 for the second round. details the City.

Read also: Legislative. At the Saint-Brieuc police station, a continuous flow of proxy requests

Four times more proxies than Europeans

This figure does not reveal how many people are affected by these proxies because a voter can make a proxy for the first round or for the second round only.

As a reminder, the number of proxies stood at just over 700 for Europeans.

Read also : “It’s a heavy job”: how the town of Saint-Brieuc is facing the wave of legislative elections

The first round of early legislative elections is this Sunday, June 30, 2024. The 132 assessors have been found to ensure the smooth legal running of the thirty-three polling stations in Saint-Brieuc.

However, the City will need new volunteer arms for the second round on Sunday July 7, 2024. To become one, you must send your contact details to [email protected]

The City has carried out a new division of polling stations, but identical to that of the European elections. As a reminder, four offices have been eliminated: Baratoux, Saint-Jouan, Campus Mazier B and Jacques-Brel B. In addition, the offices of L’Établette and Jacques-Brel A are back at the Puce-à-l social center ‘Ear. That of the Cesson-Bourg school (under construction) is temporarily moved to the neighborhood center, rue Amiral-Courbet.



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