In Haute-Garonne, Minister Dominique Faure, who came third, remains in the second round

This somewhat confuses the message sent by the head of government on Sunday evening. In the 10th constituency of Haute-Garonne, the Minister Delegate for Communities and Rural Affairs, Dominique Faure, who came third behind the PS and the RN, is staying in the second round, she announced to AFP on Monday. This she confirmed in the afternoon on the X network.

In this rural territory that extends from the commercial areas of eastern Toulouse to the agricultural region of Lauragais, the socialist Jacques Oberti, for the New Popular Front, came clearly in the lead with 36.24% of the votes, ahead of the RN candidate Caroline Falgas-colomina (30.37%) and the outgoing deputy (28.99%), from the Radical Party. Dominique Faure narrowly won in the second round in 2022, totaling 200 votes more than her opponent from Générations, invested by Nupes.

“I have to go all the way”

“I have 22,800 voters who voted for it and I can’t see how I could give them the only choice of voting RN or LFI,” the minister argued on Monday, considering that the PS Jacques Oberti “is linked by an alliance with LFI.” “I have to go all the way and try to convince that this republican arc that I represent is for the 10th constituency, and by far, the best choice,” added Dominique Faure, who considers herself an “outsider.” “The match is not over,” emphasizes this former tennis champion.

However, the head of government Gabriel Attal announced on Sunday evening the withdrawal of the Ensemble candidates “whose retention in third position would have led to the election of a National Rally MP over another candidate who, like us, defends the values ​​of the Republic”.



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