Educational cities, a strategic alliance for successful orientation

Educational cities, a strategic alliance for successful orientation
Educational cities, a strategic alliance for successful orientation

L’association 10pour10 recently met the Educational City of Vaulx-en-Velinone of its main partners in the territory, for make education a shared priority and strengthen the educational pathways of young people from priority neighborhoods in the city.

Since 2019, the 10pour10 association has been carrying out an ambitious action aimed at supporting students in continuing their studies through work-study programs.

In partnership with the National Education system and the professional world, 10pour10 has built an innovative system in France, via the 100%Réussite project which aims to fill a crucial missing link for supporters of work-study programs as a path to excellence.

The Educational City: A label for inclusive and excellent education

Labeled in 2019 in the territory of Vaulx-en-Velin, the Educational City is an innovative approach aimed at supporting the educational journey of children and young people from 0 to 25 years old before, during, around and after the school environment.

Jointly managed by the Rhône Prefecture, the National Education services, and the City of Vaulx-en-Velin, the Educational City is based on the cooperation and synergy of the various educational stakeholders in the area: parents, schools, city services, associations, social centers, institutional partners, residents, etc.

It is structured around three national objectives :

  • Strengthening the role of the school
  • Promoting educational continuity
  • Opening the field of possibilities

An ambitious and shared strategy

The 10pour10 association, through its commitment to young people, illustrates this ambitious and shared strategy. By working hand in hand with the Cité Éducative de Vaulx-en-Velin, 10pour10 was able to contribute to offering future opportunities to around ten young people to find the job of their dreams.

The collaboration with the Cité Éducative helps create a strong link between National Education and the professional world, offering young people concrete and motivating prospects for their future. These actions embody a common desire to make education a priority, while adapting the systems to the realities on the ground.

Educational cities represent a significant step forward in the fight against educational and social inequalities.

Thanks to partnerships such as the one between the 10pour10 association and the Cité Éducative de Vaulx-en-Velin for the period 2023-2024, innovative and effective solutions are being put in place to support young people in their educational journeys. Together, these stakeholders demonstrate that education can be a shared priority, where every child, regardless of their social background, has the same chances of success.



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