Vintage 2024 in Burgundy: the flower sets the tempo!

Vintage 2024 in Burgundy: the flower sets the tempo!
Vintage 2024 in Burgundy: the flower sets the tempo!

The unstable weather in spring and the climatic incidents on the first day of May led to a delay in flowering which presaged a harvest spread over time.

2024 is definitely far from being a long, quiet river for winegrowers, as relayed by the Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne in a press release. The almost omnipresent rain requires slave labor in the vineyard to contain vegetation and mildew. However, morale is holding up, with a flower that is unfolding quite well, even if, from the north to the south of Burgundy, it extends over almost 2 weeks.

The weather this spring is most unusual. The last ten days of April are particularly cool, with several nights of frost. May continues in the cool, despite a short milder period between May 10 and 13. Then, temperatures continue to fluctuate around normal until the end of the month and in the first days of June.

Temperatures begin to rise from June 5. This favors the very first flowers that can be observed from this date, in early sectors. These benefit from the maintenance of seasonal weather, with temperatures slightly higher than normal: flowering is rapid.

Less early areas experience the return of cooler temperatures at the start of the second decade of June: the development of flowering is slowed down. The sudden rise in temperatures from June 17 allows for good development of flowering.

Across Burgundy, the estimated mid-flowering stage is close to those observed in 2019 or 2021. Some are talking about the start of the harvest around September 8-10. A little earlier for the Crémant de Bourgogne and the early sectors.



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