In Saint-Dié, nearly 300 people gathered to block the National Rally candidate

In Saint-Dié, nearly 300 people gathered to block the National Rally candidate
In Saint-Dié, nearly 300 people gathered to block the National Rally candidate

The shock is still strong for many voters, including the outgoing deputy of the second constituency of Vosges David Valence. The elected member of the majority is far behind after the first round on his RN opponent Gaëtan Dussausaye. The former pocketed 30.84% ​​of the votes while the latter narrowly missed victory at the start with 48.16% of the votes. So for to come together around the “values ​​of the Republic”the former mayor of Saint-Dié, brought together nearly 300 people this Tuesday, under the Tour de la Liberté.

Series of speeches © Radio France
Arthur Blanc

For Sandrine, a resident of Etival-Clairefontaine, where the RN won more than 50%, the shock is still important. “We don’t understand. 1 in 2 citizens voted RN, we don’t understand“, she regrets. So, on site, many left-wing voters are present to put a “David Valence” ballot in the ballot box next Sunday for the second round.

Julie Xicola, unsuccessful candidate of the New Popular Front, announces her vote for David Valence © Radio France
Arthur Blanc

These are always votes against the RN, because we are frankly afraid of seeing this hatred rise.“, continues Sandrine. Like her, many are actually part of the 15% of Julie Xicola’s votersthe candidate of the New Popular Front, beaten in the first round.We have no choice, we have always stood in the way“, Paul continues. “It will be difficult, but I think we are all there. We are all tied to the idea of ​​what can happen given that we have an RN that does not respect the founding texts of the Republic and in particular the Declaration of Human Rights.“, explains Julie Xicola.

Don’t miss this Wednesday morning, from 7:45 a.m. to 8:30 a.m., the debate between the two rounds between David Valence and Gaëtan Dussausaye, the last two candidates in the running. They will be interviewed by Mathieu Barbier live on France Bleu Lorraine.



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