Dax-Gamarde withdraws its appeal and is therefore downgraded to the regional level

Dax-Gamarde withdraws its appeal and is therefore downgraded to the regional level
Dax-Gamarde withdraws its appeal and is therefore downgraded to the regional level

Continuation, and undoubtedly end of the dark soap opera for Dax-Gamarde. Friday June 21, the management commission of the French Basketball Federation (FFBB) made the decision to administratively demote the club from Nationale 2, where it had remained sportingly, up to the regional level. The Dégébist president Jérôme Mansanné immediately announced to “ …

Continuation, and probably end of the dark saga for Dax-Gamarde. Friday June 21, the management committee of the French Basketball Federation (FFBB) took the decision to administratively demote the club from National 2, where it had maintained itself sportingly, to the regional level. The president of Dax-Gamarde Jérôme Mansanné announced in the process to “Sud Ouest” that the club was appealing this sanction, and that a hearing was scheduled for Tuesday June 25.

This Thursday 27th, patatras, the FFBB sent out a press release detailing its decisions regarding the appeals of the various clubs concerned. The DGB does not appear in the table, but is mentioned at the bottom of the page: “The Appeals Chamber noted the withdrawal of the appeal of Dax-Gamarde Goos Basket (NM2) against the decision of the CCG (management committee, editor’s note) to demote it to the Regional League Championship at the end of the 2023-2024 season”, the text simply states.

Upcoming communication

Contacted by “Sud Ouest”, President Jérôme Mansanné first affirmed that he had “no feedback” from the Federation, before specifying that a “club steering committee [doit] to come together and that there [aura] a communication at that time.” Less than a month earlier, the former star leader of DGB confidently indicated that his club had “an 80% chance” of being maintained in National 2.

A statement that followed the failed attempt at a union with the neighbor of Adour Dax Basket. Union supported by Jérôme Mansanné but refused by the president of the ADB Corinne Dulouat, invoking then that “the creation of a union, which requires legal and financial requirements that we cannot provide to date”. Such a project would have allowed the agglomeration of Grand Dax to regroup, and therefore reduce the envelope of subsidies allocated to the two clubs, both playing in National 2.

Same grant

Despite this failed union, the city of Dax had “voted on May 16 to renew the subsidy to the DGB at the same level as that which had been voted previously”, the municipality indicated this Thursday, also expressing its “deep sadness” regarding the situation.

Such a decision will not have allowed DGB to balance its accounts, which were already in the red financially at mid-season. So much so that in March, red and black players and staff decided to go on training strikes to protest against salary payment delays of several months.

What division?

The FFBB has decided to demote Dax-Gamarde “to the regional level”. The exact division in which the DGB will play must now be determined by the Nouvelle-Aquitaine League after discussions with the club. Last season, the Anglet women’s team, demoted in the same way, were able to restart in Pre-National (Regional 1). “But everything depends on the places available, but also on the players that the club will have available”, cites League president Pierre Dufau as an example.



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