Olivier Douillot is no longer deputy

Olivier Douillot is no longer deputy
Olivier Douillot is no longer deputy

Olivier Douillot deprived of his functions. After a vote by the municipal council on Tuesday evening, third deputy Olivier Douillot was stripped of his delegations. Olivier Douillot, who was ill, had not sat on them for four months.

He is therefore no longer in charge of the heritage, commemorative events and culture delegations. “Since March, he has had a serious health problem and he does not know when he will regain his physical and mental capacities. He is no longer able to carry out his duties as deputy. It is up to the municipal council to decide whether he should remain in office,” explained Mayor Michel Masson. “Withdrawing a delegation is never fun, especially in these circumstances, but the situation requires us to do so. We must take a certain number of measures and the council has been suffering for four months.”

“No connection with his clumsy exit”

Before dismissing him, it was necessary to agree on the voting method to achieve this: secret or by show of hands (obviously more “comfortable” for those who prefer to remain anonymous). This is what was chosen and which did not fail to question the opposition. “What justifies a secret ballot?” asked Jean-Christophe Huré. Of the seventeen elected officials present, ten voted for the withdrawal of Olivier Douillot’s delegations (one for his maintenance, one blank ballot, two invalid, three abstentions). However, Olivier Douillot remains a municipal councilor.

In this context, no one could ignore the incident which had marked the last council during which Olivier Douillot had made strong remarks against Jean Richard, former first deputy. Comments which led to the departure of the four opposition councilors and disapproval in his own camp.

The question was asked before the vote by Julie Pheline-Benoist, an opposition councillor. “Is this decision solely linked to his state of health or to the defamatory remarks he made?” “There is no link with his clumsy exit. It is his health first,” says Michel Masson.

Olivier Douillot, whom we contacted, did not want to comment. “I do not currently wish to discuss anything relating to the Beaune-la-Rolande municipal council,” he replied in an email.

In the process, Michel Masson adopted a reduction in the number of deputies, brought to four. Everyone will share Olivier Douillot’s delegations.



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