The urban plan of the Agglo de Saint-Brieuc stopped again despite, still, the opposition of Hillion

The urban plan of the Agglo de Saint-Brieuc stopped again despite, still, the opposition of Hillion
The urban plan of the Agglo de Saint-Brieuc stopped again despite, still, the opposition of Hillion

The draft local intercommunal urban planning plan (PLUi) carried by Saint-Brieuc Armor Agglomération was first approved by the council on February 29. Debate at length, it had received all the votes, except that of Hillion. This Thursday, June 27 in the evening, the file made its comeback in the hemicycle, the municipalities having had a deadline to express themselves on the project. “Out of the 32, we had 31 positive reviews. It’s a great satisfaction. The co-construction work paid off,” points out Joël Le Borgne, vice-president in charge of town planning documents. In detail, four issued a “favorable opinion without reservations or recommendations”, 27 “with reservations and/or recommendations”, and one, therefore, an unfavorable opinion.

And if the version proposed this Thursday was intended to be “strictly identical in substance and form” to that presented in February, it is now specified that “the agglomeration council undertakes to take into account the comments made by the municipalities within the limits of their urban planning legality and the political project before the final approval of the file”. An “expected” sentence and welcomed by elected officials…

Public inquiry coming soon

But that was not enough to convince Annie Guennou. On her behalf, as on that of Mickaël Cosson, the mayor of Hillion reiterated her opposition. “I have the impression that this PLUi is above all a matter of timing, more than field work,” lamented the councilor, who would have liked a longer consultation period between the sending of the documents and the stopping of the project. And to also mention a “lack of transparency concerning the remarks of the other municipalities.” With 73 votes for, two against and two abstentions, the project was stopped for the second time.

“The work is not yet finished,” explains Joël Le Borgne. The PLUi is not a monolithic document, fixed once and for all. We continue to develop it and provide the necessary means to hear and integrate requests.”

A public inquiry will be open from September 12 to October 29. “Improvements may still be made at the end of this”, before adoption planned for June 2025.



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