L’escargot auxerrois: the new tourist shop in Auxerre

L’escargot auxerrois: the new tourist shop in Auxerre
L’escargot auxerrois: the new tourist shop in Auxerre

Thierry Bierry is a Parisian strongly seduced by the Burgundian region and culture. An experienced trader who loves Auxerre and who has just moved there.

Thierry Bierry had wanted to open a business in Auxerre for a while. However, he had noticed that an obvious symbol of the Icaunais region was missing in the streets of Auxerre. Yes, tourists who come here leave with wine and gougères. But the snails in all this?

The shop

The range that Thierry Bierry offers the Auxerrois Snail is diverse and largely local artisanal. You will obviously find food there. The mollusks to take away or to taste on site come from Armeau, in Yonne. There are also small pots with sauces and a wide range of artisanal artists (jewelry, decoration, anti-aging or healing creams made from snail slime, supplies, etc.)

Thierry Bierry works with as many Icaunais, Burgundian and French artisans as possible, and sometimes organizes special operations, like last spring with the arrival of a great Parisian chef who cooked… snails.

The art gallery

In the second room behind the shop is the art gallery. Thierry Bierry exhibits artists from Yonne and Ailleues.

Between these exhibitions, he presents his collection of the singer to you Buzy with whom he was friends and from whom he inherited part of his discography. This is why there is a gold disc from the compilation La boum de l’été with the single within the Auxerre snail. Dyslexic of the singer Buzy.

To find out more, listen to the replay of the France Bleu Auxerre player who went to 83 rue du pont this morning in Auxerre, to the Auxerrois escargot boutique.

Also find L’Escargot Auxerrois on facebook and on the Online Store.

Decorative objects in one of the windows of the Escargot Auxerrois boutique. © Radio France
Olivier Bordes
Wines from Domaine Clément in Jussy, including the sparkling red wine “La Duchesse”. © Radio France
Olivier Bordes
Gold disc of the summer boom where the title “Dyslexique” by Buzy is found © Radio France
Olivier Bordes


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