new measures to protect trees

In certain work zones, tree protection measures are already applied

Credit : Top Music – ZV

« In 2020 we declared theState of climate emergency and adopted the Canopy plan with 4 axes, and within the framework of the first axis which aims to preserve the existing tree heritagewe are going to vote on a text which will allow us to further protect trees : the tree scalemade by green spaces, and the cahset of requirements relating to the protection of trees “, reveals Suzanne Brolly, deputy of the resilient city in charge of urban planning and green spaces. The two measures will serve to avoid injuring or killing trees during urban works or the installation of new developments.

Secure, protect to preserve

As part of axis 1 of the Canopée plan, the city of Strasbourg voted last Monday in municipal council and Today in the Eurometropolis council, a new text which further protects trees: the tree scale recognized worldwide, makes it possible to better assess the species and the damage. “To put it simply, this scale takes into account theSanitary state of the tree, of his age, of its essence and above all its value “. The specifications relating to the protection of trees will ensure that tree safety in the urban environmentespecially during interventions. For example, when we enter the construction phase, we look at where the roots are developing to avoid cutting themand during the work we put boards around the trunk with a root protection zone. The level of requirements for the developments is also greater since we will leave more air space and underground space for the tree so that it can grow. develops normally, so there are pit depth and width obligations. We keep in mind that a tree that develops well is a tree that protect us ” explains Suzanne Brolly.

Trees, essential living beings

« We absolutely want to protect and preserve our trees, they are in a weak situation in the face of climate change, a study explains that in 2050, 71% of urban trees will be under water stress, it is enormous. You have seen the difference when you are in the shade thanks to the trees, or in the sun. A city without trees is an unlivable city so we must protect them at all costs. The objective of these measures is to avoid injuries that would cause them to die or fall. We want to protect ourselves from security and health risks and above all protect our trees, which also protect us, for tomorrow. », confides Elea Schlupp, responsible for development projects in green spaces in Strasbourg. Suzanne Brolly affirms the importance of these trees for the well-being of the city, adding: “ they allowinfiltrate rainwaterof depollute the airthey are one reservoir of biodiversity which ensures our survival, but also brings usombre, which invites residents to walk and actively travel. Trees are therefore good for our physical and moral health! ” she exclaims.



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