Aurélien Rousseau qualified for the second round against Nadia Hai in Yvelines

Aurélien Rousseau qualified for the second round against Nadia Hai in Yvelines
Aurélien Rousseau qualified for the second round against Nadia Hai in Yvelines

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POLITICS – Victory is possible. Former Minister of Health Aurélien Rousseau, candidate in the legislative elections with the label of the New Popular Front in the seventh constituency of Yvelines, is in the lead in the first round. With 34.68% of the vote, he is comfortably ahead of former Minister Nadia Hai (29.32%).

A possible triangular is looming for the second round with regional councilor LR Babette de Rozières, in favor of an alliance between her party and the National Rally, which obtained 25.79% of the votes.

« Nothing is decided, the RN obtaining an unprecedented score here. Sunday, let’s stand together and build together in dialogue and respect “, reacted Aurélien Rousseau during the night.

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Aurélien Rousseau, who has worked with various political figures in the country (Manuel Valls, Bernard Cazeneuve, Bertrand Delanoë, etc.), has made a significant shift to the left by agreeing to represent the NFP. It was Raphaël Glucksmann and his small movement Place Publique who made him the proposal. Aside from the oddities – Aurélien Rousseau is defending a program that promises to repeal the pension reform at 64 in the event of victory, a measure that he brought to Élisabeth Borne when he was her chief of staff – his candidacy is symbolic in this constituency that was represented by the socialist Michel Rocard.

In the duel that now pits him against Nadia Hai, he will have to convince people that he is able to best represent the aspirations of the inhabitants of a constituency that he does not know.

Also see on Le HuffPost :

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