Robert Lachaud (Reconquête): “We ignore our concerns at the elite level”

Robert Lachaud (Reconquête): “We ignore our concerns at the elite level”
Robert Lachaud (Reconquête): “We ignore our concerns at the elite level”

Le Pays solicited all the candidates for the 5th constituency of Roannais by asking each of them the same questions. Here, Robert Lachaud (Reconquest).

Can your proposals be heard in this blitz? Mass immigration is no longer acceptable without risking losing our civilization which is over 2,000 years old and that of our France which is over 1,500 years old and so much genius at all levels. We ignore our concerns among the elites, who are establishing an undemocratic federal Europe disconnected from our lives. Can our proposals be heard in this campaign? Everything has been done to destabilize the new arrivals!

What are your priorities at the national and local level? To follow this upheaval in society, we have allowed an insecurity to develop which is ravaging our entire society. In addition by marginalizing immigrants who were determined to integrate with good will, and who are drowned in this mass of immigrants, which no longer meets our sense of welcome and integration. We must not disintegrate our education system, which is now open to ideologies that have no place there.

How do you plan to influence the political scene in the event of an election, knowing that the balance that is expected within the hemicycle is unprecedented? We have already achieved this by finally allowing our politicians to confront a lot of prohibitions and to speak a truer language, but there is still a way to go. We must continue what we have already done thanks to Éric Zemmour. The hemicycle is one thing, the media is another. As long as we are free to express ourselves, hope can continue and losing hope is not my lifestyle. So long live my France, the one that I love and which is dear to my heart.



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