Saint-Puy. The garden of the 5 senses gets a makeover

Saint-Puy. The garden of the 5 senses gets a makeover
Saint-Puy. The garden of the 5 senses gets a makeover

This Garden of the 5 Senses was created in place of the former presbytery garden. It is the result of an extracurricular project, created with the help of the town hall. The pupils from the nursery and elementary school of Saint-Puy did some gardening, all in a neat aesthetic, as part of their participation in the “Écoles Fleuries” competition. This work earned them the Excellence Award in this competition, which is not only a project to learn gardening, but also to raise awareness of working in cooperation, observing nature and improving the living environment. Since June 24, a lot of activity has been going on to put the finishing touches to a revamped Garden of the 5 Senses for the summer season. Many thanks to Vincent Manoer who provided Raymond and Jean-Paul with the equipment needed to trim the oak beams that were used to mark out the 16 very attractive growing planters. And also to Viviane and the technical department and of course to Eugénie, creator of this garden. Access to this secret and wonderful place is open to all, just go through the wooden gate… Inside, you will find a book box, a sensory trail through the vegetable garden, as well as a gigantic picnic table – perhaps the largest in the department! – and the plates are already set up, there, facing the Pyrenees. What could be more normal? It’s that of the Cadets de Gascogne!



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