Second year internship: 117 Béarnais high school students welcomed at the TotalEnergies Feger center in Pau

Second year internship: 117 Béarnais high school students welcomed at the TotalEnergies Feger center in Pau
Second year internship: 117 Béarnais high school students welcomed at the TotalEnergies Feger center in Pau

117 Béarnais high school students in second grade are on an internship at TotalEnergies in Pau, at the Jean Féger center for two weeks, from June 17 to June 28, 2024. This second year internship was launched by the government and we know that it is not always easy for students to find an internship location. These Béarnais teenagers who are 15 years old on average can discover these days the world of this very important company in the region and around the world.

Less than a third of interns are children of employees

It’s always interestingestimates Giselle, a student in Pau at the Saint-Dominique high school, one of whose parents works at TotalEnergies. It’s going very well, we’re discovering lots of jobs. For people like me who don’t really know what to do for the future, this can help or guide them. But you must have had good studies, around bac+5 level. […] I find that the site in Pau is good, it’s spacious, there is a lake and trees, it’s good.”


152 2nd year interns at TotalEnergies in Nouvelle-Aquitaine

There are not only children of employees of this company. It is important to specify this because it was a priority in this project assures Emmanuelle Bouvin, internship and work-study manager for the Jean Feger Scientific and Technical Center.


We worked with our local partners, associations or high schools like in Mourenx. Every day, a bus charters ten high school students who arrive in the morning. We worked with associations and high schools to have very balanced groups in terms of parity and social diversity. We have a third of students who are not lucky enough to have a family network that helps them find an internship, a third of local high school students from Pau, Nay and Lescar and a third of employees’ children” explained Emmanuelle Bouvin.

Topics that interest young high school students


The students had several speakers including Matias Palacios, an offshore wind turbine operations and maintenance engineer.As I work in renewable energies, it always interests young people just like the part on artificial intelligence and salaries. In the second year they have not yet made their choice of course so they are still open to everything. Some know the industry because their parents work in the company, the others are discovering it. Many know Lacq in the region, it is still historic.”

There is still a mysterious attraction because we don’t get into Chez Total just any way.smiled Matias Palacios. This should interest young people to be able to enter the company, to know what is being done behind these walls and barbed wireit’s interesting. […] Working with young people allows us to show the beautiful facets of our company, that always interests me.”



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