in Parthenay, Fiona Le Goff dances with her ghosts

in Parthenay, Fiona Le Goff dances with her ghosts
in Parthenay, Fiona Le Goff dances with her ghosts

We left the Parthenaisian dancer and teacher in early autumn 2023 when she had just returned from Ethiopia to support her research work around the eskista, a traditional ethnic dance very popular in the “land of thirteen months of sun” . Here is Fiona Le Goff again in her hometown, for a new creative project which will give rise, this Friday, June 28, 2024, to a meeting with the public as a stage of this project which has arrived exactly halfway.

Great first production for her company Need, supported by the City of Parthenay, and first creation of a tailor-made dance solo for and by her, Until the nightthe title of this show, which is scheduled to premiere in November 2024 at the Centre chorégraphique national du Havre-Normandie, is a major meeting with its ghosts, and with our ghosts too.

“It is linked to a whole bunch of things, starting with my research for my Master 2 thesis around the work of a choreographer that I had not been able to contact, which led me to carry out an interview ghost. This theme of absence or silences which sometimes say more than words has often questioned me. The idea gained ground and we arrived at the creation of a ceremony around our ghosts, to welcome them. We all have our ghosts and everyone puts into them what they want, whether it’s abstract like our flaws or concrete like our absent people, our missing people. This ceremony is both having a party with our ghosts and throwing a party for them”plays Fiona Le Goff.

Across borders

It happens in life that chance is not really chance. In this third week of residency, the first stay of her creation in Parthenay, Fiona Le Goff has just lost her father to illness, Loïc, who was president of Diff’art. Such mourning, especially at 28, when you are an only child, while working in your hometown on a show that summons your ghosts, obviously has a very moving resonance between creation and the path of life.

“I didn’t expect to lose my father when I started this project and this is a way to continue,” she confides with her beautiful modesty. During the funeral ceremony, Tuesday June 18, she danced to an excerpt of her solo, at the crossroads of the path of her life and her emerging show, with her “over” voice placed over it, always between contemporary dance and hip. -hop, beyond the borders… Even the borders of reality.

Exit from the residency followed by a time of discussion on stage with the public, Friday June 28, 2024, at 6:30 p.m., at the Maison des cultures de pays (MCP, 1, rue de la Vau-Saint-Jacques in Parthenay) . FREE ENTRANCE.



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