Handball/National 2: the first movements at Entente Villefranche-Limas

Handball/National 2: the first movements at Entente Villefranche-Limas
Handball/National 2: the first movements at Entente Villefranche-Limas

Walid Benkahla on departure,Villefranche-Limas Agreementwho will play in National 2 again next season, was looking for a new coach. And the Caladois leaders chose the Franco-Serbian Zoran Calic.

We were looking for a coach who knows handball well in general, with the aim of having the reins of the collective next season“, explains the president of the VHB, Hervé Kernéis.

Having passed through several clubs in the region in recent times, Caluire, Genay or even Porte de l’Isère among the women in 2021, this name is not unknown in Calade since his son, Milan Calic, defended the cages of Villefranche in the mid-2010s.

Lorenzo Veglione and Clément Grellier, departures already made official

The priority of the new Villefranche coach and president Hervé Kernéis will be to compose theworkforce 2024-2025 which will be mostly different from the previous one. Because several departures are announced.

Hervé Kernéis did not wish to disclose the names of the likely starters. But the Saint-Genis-Laval club (5e in N2), which Villefranche-Limas has faced twice this season, has already formalized the arrivals of the pivot Lorenzo Veglione (20 years old, 59 goals in 22 matches played) and from the back Clement Grellier (21 years old, 18 goals in 22 matches).

Four players would also be expected Caluiremaintained in Nationale 1. “These departures will be compensated by at least 5 to 7 arrivals, in addition to the integration of young people from the under-18 collective.“, announces President Hervé Kernéis all the same.



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