Large brands and independents, the winning mix of city center in Pau

Large brands and independents, the winning mix of city center in Pau
Large brands and independents, the winning mix of city center in Pau

Serge Gallazzini has set up his tableware boutique on rue du Maréchal Joffre in Pau.

Alban Laffitte

In 2016, the siblings bet on the renovation of Hédas by moving to rue des Cordeliers. “Because it was cheaper too,” recalls Nathan Berger who, today, benefits from “a lot of traffic on our street”.

“It’s a fact, city center customers are people who like to stroll, who go to restaurants,” notes Nathan Berger. “They no longer come to buy, they want to have an experience. They must find a friendly atmosphere, a smiling welcome and choice,” specifies Serge Gallazini, vice-president of the CCI Pau-Béarn and trader on rue Joffre. “That’s why you always have to find atypical brands, not too well known,” adds Nathan Berger.

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Internet to the rescue

Another formula for developing: focusing on digital. “We launched our internet sales site at the time of Covid to do click and collect. Which didn’t really work, but on the other hand we sent packages to Paris,” says Nathan Berger who has just launched the third version of his B-outdoors website. In September, he even opened a warehouse – the only one on the outskirts – to organize this part of the activity with three people. Proof that online sales are not necessarily harmful to local commerce.

For Serge Gallazini, another “mix works well: that of the big brands, which bring a strike force, a new concept and independents who can adapt to everything. It’s this mix that interests people. They come attracted by a locomotive as they say and discover small shops.”

The two merchants are also counting on the renovation of the Galleries. “They are at the entrance to the street and are obviously attractive,” believes Serge Gallazini. Who would like to find a sports or DIY store in the city center, activities that are currently absent. “If the Galeries project goes through to the end, it will be the final bouquet,” adds Nathan Berger.



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