Tournefeuille. Strike and demonstration against class closures

Tournefeuille. Strike and demonstration against class closures
Tournefeuille. Strike and demonstration against class closures

Teachers’ unions called a strike last Thursday, demanding an emergency plan for the school. An appointment was made to demonstrate in front of the rectorate in Toulouse where a departmental council of national education (CDEN) was to be held which decides on the openings and closings of classes. The meeting which was initially scheduled to take place on June 11 was postponed until Thursday, June 20 due to the boycott of parents’ unions. It was then postponed following the dissolution of the National Assembly on July 8 due to the right of electoral reservation linked to early legislative elections.

A petition collected 580 signatures

The Pablo-Picasso school is directly affected because class closures have been announced. This is why, despite the postponement of the CDEN meeting, the strike and mobilization were maintained. Eight teachers from the school participated in the demonstration as well as an AESH and about fifteen parents of students including PEEP representatives and a few children. “The Pablo-Picasso students demonstrated by making noise, brandishing placards and shouting slogans, but we did not see anyone from the rectorate”, says a parent of a student representing the Peep.

On the signs, we could read: “No to overcrowded multi-levels, sacrificed students, exhausted teachers: no to closing classes”.

A petition having collected almost 580 signatures continues to circulate to fight against the closure of classes at the Pablo Picasso school. This petition will then be given to the inspector of National Education, to the academic director of national education services to the rector, as well as to the representative of Peep 31, Brigitte Morhain, president of Peep 31, who sits on the CDEN .

To sign the petition, go toème-classe-dans-l-école-pablo-picasso-à-tournefeuille


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