BEAUNE: Burgundy has the cards in hand to shine on its markets

BEAUNE: Burgundy has the cards in hand to shine on its markets
BEAUNE: Burgundy has the cards in hand to shine on its markets

With a generous 2nd harvest, Burgundy is bouncing back and preparing for its future on national and international markets.

Burgundy displays a significant reconstitution of its stocks thanks to a generous second harvest in 2023. With a 12% increase in property availability compared to the average of the last 5 campaigns, the region has significant room for maneuver to anticipate future contingencies and maintain market share.

However, the challenge persists: relaunching the development of Burgundy on the markets. Despite an increase in bulk property exits (+8%), the region must face export uncertainties, particularly due to the geopolitical context and changes in consumption. In 2023, exports fell by 6% compared to 2022, although turnover remained stable.

On the domestic market, the challenges are just as present. Although sales in French mass retailers have fallen (-5.6% for AOC wines), traditional distribution channels have seen a dynamic recovery. In 2022, wholesale and Cash&Carry sales jumped by +37% compared to 2021.

Burgundy is well aware of the many challenges it must face: maintaining its production in the long term, preserving an economic model that values ​​it and implementing, collectively, all the resources at its disposal to remain at the heart of new modes of production. consumption. (see following brief)

SOURCE: Burgundy wine press service.



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