Community of Communes Beaune Côte & Sud – 2nd Training Conference: mobility, housing and qualified jobs at the heart of the debates

Community of Communes Beaune Côte & Sud – 2nd Training Conference: mobility, housing and qualified jobs at the heart of the debates
Community of Communes Beaune Côte & Sud – 2nd Training Conference: mobility, housing and qualified jobs at the heart of the debates

The morning began with the Economic Observatory, focusing on the employment market in the community territory. The discussion covered issues such as mobility, housing and seasonal jobs. The objective was to share knowledge of the territory and collaborate to find concrete solutions. Three round tables made it possible to explore various sectors, notably viticultural and wine mechanics, and to strengthen links between colleges, high schools and businesses.

A focus on the local job market
The day began with a presentation from the Economic Observatory, offering a detailed view of the job market in the community. Discussions focused on mobility and housing, crucial issues particularly for seasonal jobs. Participants exchanged ideas to improve the situation and work together towards sustainable solutions.

Round tables and sectoral discussions
Three round tables were organized to address different sectors of activity. The first focused on recruitment in the wine professions. Companies highlighted the difficulties in finding qualified personnel, often requiring internal training lasting several years. Xavier Desmits of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), recalled the importance of starting from the needs of companies to develop adapted training solutions.

Launch of reflections and initiatives
A collaboration was initiated with the CFA Auto de Mâcon in October 2023. Since its establishment on October 10, an active working group has begun to develop initial strategic ideas: adapting training to the evolving needs of companies and responding to their needs quickly; develop professional certification modules integrating both job seekers and employees. and collaborate closely with local stakeholders such as the CFPPA and the MFR.
The CFA Auto de Mâcon, under the management of the CCI Côte-d’Or – Saône et Loire and recognized nationally, welcomes more than 650 young people each year in its 6 technical workshops and 27 specialized classrooms. It also has a boarding school that can accommodate up to 130 people.

Recruitment challenges in the wine sector
During the first round table, companies in the wine sector exposed their difficulties in recruiting qualified personnel. Despite attractive salaries, finding candidates with the right skills remains a challenge. Salaries in this sector are however competitive, with remuneration of €1,800 net per month for new graduates, which can exceed €3,000 after a few years of experience.
Lucile Michaud, HR manager at Bobard, spoke of the need to train employees in hydraulics and troubleshooting, emphasizing the importance of internal training centers. “ We need the right skills, the right people with a commitment to training them in hydraulics and troubleshooting. It takes a year to be self-sufficient and 18 months to be competent on the entire assembly line “, she explained.
The Bobard Group, national leader in the production of straddle tractors, is present on three sites, the main of which is located in Beaune/Vignoles. It has 110 permanent employees, 3 work-study workers and temporary workers.

Training at the heart of employment strategies
The speakers underlined the importance of continuing training and work-study training to meet the needs of businesses. Hervé Lenoir, director of Nodimat Granday, insisted on the need for a foundation of knowledge in hydraulics, mechanics and electricity to train versatile technicians, specifying that it takes three years of training. Nodimat Granday, an entity of the Ouvrard Group, employs 123 employees, 60% of whom are part-time students. The objective is to develop skills in boilermaking, assembly, electronics, etc. to meet the various needs of customers.
Philippe Faupin, president of Faupin, highlighted work-study training to find qualified electromechanics. Faupin, dealer and manufacturer of wine-growing equipment, has 7 agencies and employs 150 employees, including 50 in Beaune. The company is looking for viti and vini technicians and advocates for the development of fundamental knowledge.
The training organizations involved in this reflection include Beaune Viti Agro Campus, which offers comprehensive training in the agricultural field, and the CFA Auto Mâcon, recognized as one of the most efficient training centers in France in the field of automobile.

Jeannette Monarchi



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