80,000 visitors in one year for the 3 Burgundy Wine Cities

80,000 visitors in one year for the 3 Burgundy Wine Cities
80,000 visitors in one year for the 3 Burgundy Wine Cities

On June 15 and 16, the Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne celebrated its first anniversary during . The opportunity to take stock of the attendance at the three sites of Beaune, Chablis and Mâcon.


he wine tourism network of the Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne has just celebrated its first candle with positive results. In 12 months, nearly 80,000 visitors have passed through the doors of one of the 3 sites.

Beaune attracts more than 80% of visitors, with 65,000 visitors for all activities combined. “A large majority of visitors, 80% of them, come from France, including 50% from the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region, followed by Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes and Ile de France” explains Chloé Butet, head of the City’s culture and communication center, welcoming that these figures reflect the priority given at the start to the City’s roots in its territory. Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and the Netherlands make up the Top 4 foreign countries having visited one of the sites.

Next to the City of Beaune, “dominant mother”, that of Chablis is distinguished by its wine bar and its terrace overlooking an interior garden. The City of Mâcon is popular with businesses and groups for its various meeting spaces. It also has an attractive boutique for all types of customers.

“In just a few months, all audiences have found something to suit them in the 3 scenographic tours and offers offered by each of the sitesrejoices Olivier Le Roy, general director of the Cité des Climats et vins de Bourgogne. Newbies and connoisseurs alike enjoyed the visit. The former say that the course is very informative while remaining accessible, the latter are often amazed, to still learn despite their mastery of the subject. »

The director is also satisfied with the presence of families. “During the school holidays, we received a very family audience, and children and adolescents alike came together. It was important for us to reach all audiences. » The winegrowers themselves are convinced. “Everyone approves of the technical and scientific seriousness of the content. Beyond that, many come to see us to express their pride in having this tool which highlights their work” assures Olivier Le Roy, also proud that the City has already been recognized with 16 awards in France and internationally. “Probably a record in such a short time for a French cultural and tourist place”.

Development prospects

In parallel with a rich program, including the passage of the Olympic Flame in the Cité garden in Chablis on July 11 and in front of the Cité square in Beaune on July 12, the Cité is working on various projects to develop attendance. Residents will, for example, be able to benefit from an annual pass. The City should also establish partnerships with neighboring cultural sites in the three departments to make tourists stay longer in the area. Finally, it must get closer to international travel agencies to bring in more groups.



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