The jewels of the Comédie Française in a free exhibition in Paris

Last January, to celebrate Molière, the Comédie Française distributed 200 free places to theater lovers. And this time, it’s time for a splendid (and free) exhibition that the Comédie Française intends to captivate visitors, by showing its breathtaking stage jewels.

Curtain up on this new free Parisian exhibition

Did you know ? It is possible to obtain free tickets for the Comédie Française. Yes yes ! Young people under 28 can benefit from this good cultural plan every Monday. And for once, the Comédie Française is offering free access to its fans. This time, it is during a free exhibition organized by the School of Jewelry Arts that the famous Parisian Institution will amaze you. Since June 13 (and until September 1, 2024), aesthetes have been meeting at the Hôtel de Mercy-Argenteau. It is in the heart of this sublime 18th century mansion that the free exhibition “Stage Jewels of the Comédie Française” recently opened.

The stage jewelry of the Comédie-Française in the spotlight

Now installed in this exceptional place, the School of Jewelry Arts is exhibiting for the first time stage jewelry worn by illustrious actors and actresses, like Talma, Rachel and Sarah Bernhardt. Jewelry, paintings, drawings, manuscripts… All these precious objects on display bear witness to the exceptional know-how of fine jewelry.

In total, there are 120 pieces from a unique collection of accessories and works of art Who insinuate themselves like treasures into the heart of this private mansion, and tell their story. True masterpieces such as Talma’s golden metal laurel wreath offered by Napoleon or Rachel’s jeweled tiaras, to name but a few. A sumptuous exhibition steeped in history, not to be missed under any circumstances. (Even more so when you know that it can be discovered free of charge).

Useful information :

Exhibition “Stage jewelry of the Comédie-Française”

School of Jewelery Arts (Paris Grands-Boulevards) Hôtel de Mercy-Argenteau, 16 bis, boulevard Montmartre, 75 009 Paris

Opening: Tuesday to Sunday from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Late night on Thursday until 9 p.m.

Book your free tour here



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