News on the ecological transition

Bourran Park: 2 night visits

As soon as the sun goes down, discover or rediscover the Bourran park by following Linda Pouchard, a naturalist guide from the Cybèle association. She will help you discover nocturnal biodiversity and understand the different issues related to light pollution.

To make the most of this visit, bring: comfortable clothing, walking shoes, mosquito repellent and a bottle of water.

2 dates to choose from:
– Tuesday July 9 at 9:30 p.m.
– Tuesday July 23 at 9:30 p.m.

Adult audience (children from 10 years old if accompanied), duration approximately 1h30. Meet at the Bourran park car park, rue Alfred de Musset.

For any information, contact the Cybèle association (section “contact”):

National rental of electric vehicles at 100€ per month

Since January 1, 2024, the government has launched “social leasing”. Thanks to this system, the most modest households can benefit from an electric car rental for €100 to €150 per month. For this first year of launch, between 20,000 and 25,000 vehicles are available. The operation will be repeated in 2025.

The lease must be for a minimum of 3 years. At the end of the lease, the person can return the vehicle or purchase it at its residual value.

Eligibility conditions:

  • You are an adult
  • You reside in France
  • Your reference tax income per share is less than €15,400
  • You live more than 15km from your workplace and use your personal car to get there
  • You drive more than 8,000 km per year as part of your professional activity

For more information: FAQ My electric leasing | Ministry of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion (

A metropolitan zero waste house

Behind the Bègles recycling center, a third place has opened its doors on rue Louis Blériot with the support of Bordeaux Métropole.

Open to all metropolitan residents and managed by an association, this place is a shared and collaborative space which invites you to reflect on your consumption patterns.

Various activities are available on site such as exhibitions, workshops and events, the sale of zero waste objects, a cafeteria, a DIY library and even a garden!

Find the program and practical information here: Zero waste third place in Bègles – La Maison RêVée (

Green your home, Bordeaux metropolis can help you!

As part of the “Let’s plant 1 million trees” program, Bordeaux Métropole supports residences and housing developments in planting greenery in their shared spaces.

This concerns: private co-ownerships, social landlords but also horizontal co-ownership developments managed by free trade union associations.

The metropolis finances 30% of the greening operations: planting, study, de-impermeabilization work and guarantee of tree recovery.

If the project includes 50% of trees and shrubs labeled “local plants” and/or if the space is open to the public, the subsidy may be increased by 10%.

Aid is capped at €100,000 per project.

The supporting documents to be provided are:

  • Detailed presentation of the project with plans and photos of the site
  • Estimate
  • RIB

To make the request, you must register on the following link after logging in or creating an account: The devices | Bordeaux Métropole (

Tiger mosquito: good advice

The tiger mosquito is a harmful insect that can transmit certain diseases such as dengue fever, Zika or chikungunya. Be careful, if we often think that mosquitoes bite mainly in the evening, this is not the case for the tiger mosquito which bites during the day. You must therefore be vigilant during the day and take precautions depending on where you are.

Here are some simple steps to protect yourself against these mosquitoes:

  • Eliminate stagnant water : The tiger mosquito thrives in places where water stagnates, such as flower pots, vases or plant cups, also remember to cover water tanks and swimming pools. In case of rain, remember to turn empty pots or any other type of container over so that no water stagnates.
  • Maintaining your garden : clearing brush, trimming tall grass and hedges, pruning trees, collecting plant waste and fallen fruit, reducing sources of humidity, etc.
  • Wear suitable clothing : Between 7am and 10am and from 5pm to 9pm, tiger mosquitoes are most active. Wear loose, covering and light clothing to protect yourself. Also apply repellent to uncovered parts of your skin.
  • Use a mosquito net : If you are walking with a baby in a stroller, use a mosquito net to protect him from bites or install one on your windows if you want to open your windows without being disturbed.
  • Consider repellent plants : Encourage the installation of repellent plants such as geraniums.
  • Beware of light sources : Do not turn on the light if a window is open because flying insects, including mosquitoes, are attracted to light sources.

Regarding mosquito control, an awareness day is organized on Thursday 11/07 (one at 3 p.m., the second at 6 p.m.):
• Exhibition with 8 kakemono presenting the fight against mosquitoes and in particular the tiger mosquito
• Conference with a 1-hour presentation of the fight and the incentive to join the Mérignac ambassador network

For more information: How to eliminate the tiger mosquito | Bordeaux Métropole (

The Asian hornet

Trapping Asian hornets is not recommended, as some studies have demonstrated the significant impact on other insects including pollinators.

However, the City destroys dangerous nests (at human height, in schools/leisure centers, etc.) in public spaces, parks and its buildings – contact the Health and Safety department if you have identified a nest.

On private property, for non-dangerous nests, there is no obligation to destroy them but it is possible to call on the GDSA, a beekeeper can intervene at a controlled cost: GDSA33 | Le Frelon Asiatique | Gironde

From September, the leaves will fall and we will see better the nests that were present all summer. The foundresses leave the nests at this time (those in the shape of large balloons) and the remaining hornets will gradually die, the nest will be destroyed by bad weather and will not be reused. So there is no point in destroying a nest in the fall unless it presents a case of imminent danger due to its proximity to people (a few meters).



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