Can of “Smirnoff” in hand, Prince Christian of Denmark celebrates his baccalaureate in the streets of Copenhagen

Can of “Smirnoff” in hand, Prince Christian of Denmark celebrates his baccalaureate in the streets of Copenhagen
Can of “Smirnoff” in hand, Prince Christian of Denmark celebrates his baccalaureate in the streets of Copenhagen

Par Leah Mabilon

yesterday at 5:28 p.m.,

Update yesterday at 17:36

Christian from Denmark celebrates his baccalaureate

See all 9 photos

The son of Frederik X and Queen Mary joined the crowd to celebrate his graduation on Friday, June 28. With his classmates, he paraded through the streets of the capital, under the happy gaze of his family.

With his promo cap screwed on his head, the young prince paraded this Friday, June 28 through the streets of Copenhagen. Christian of Denmark, son of Frederik X and Queen Mary, celebrated his baccalaureate with his classmates from Ordrup Gymnasium. With him, his parents, but also his brothers and sisters, Princess Isabella, Prince Vincent and Princess Joséphine.

As reported Paris Match the young boy, who will also celebrate his 19th birthday next October, had started his secondary studies at another establishment before joining Ordrup Gymnasium, a high school in the north of the Danish capital. The cause was the broadcast in 2022 of a documentary denouncing sexual abuse and bullying at his former school. For the moment, no information has been revealed about the rest of the crown prince’s academic career. A priori, he should join his new university at the start of the school year. But while waiting to find out more, his family is letting him enjoy himself.



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