Garorock 2024: marriage proposal on Thérapie Taxi, “Garoboue”… Five highlights of the festival since its creation

Garorock 2024: marriage proposal on Thérapie Taxi, “Garoboue”… Five highlights of the festival since its creation
Garorock 2024: marriage proposal on Thérapie Taxi, “Garoboue”… Five highlights of the festival since its creation

the essential
Created in 1997 in Marmande, Garorock has become one of the biggest musical events in the great South-West. A look back at five moments that marked the history of the festival.

Moving to Plaine de la Filhole (2012)

Younger people probably don’t know it, but when it was created in 1997, Garorock was held in the old Marmandais slaughterhouses. It was only in 2012, faced with the growing popularity of the festival, that the organizers decided to move the festival to the Plaine de la Filhole.

A “Garoboue” edition (2017)

Rain, rain and more rain. In 2017, festival-goers had to take out their k-waistens and boots because the site was covered in mud. But nothing to discourage music lovers who broke attendance records that year.

The site evacuated due to the storm (2018)

In 2018, due to a storm alert, 30,000 festival-goers were evacuated from the Plaine de la Filhole. The last day of the concert, Sunday July 1, had been canceled. Macklemore, Tryo, Roméo Elvis were to perform that evening.

Read also :
Garorock 2024: opening hours, free water points, phone charging, payments, our tips for festival-goers

Marriage proposal at Thérapie Taxi concert (2019)

This is one of the most romantic moments in Garo history. In 2019, at the end of the Thérapie Taxi group’s concert, a woman took her courage in both hands and invited her partner on stage to propose to her, under the eyes of won over festival-goers.

Exceptional programming for 25th birthdays (2022)

In 2021, Garorock did not take place due to Covid. The following year, the organizers pulled out all the stops on the programming. It turns out it was also the 25th anniversary of Garorock. We couldn’t count the headliners: Green Day, PLN, DJ Snake, Stromae, M, Orelsan, SCH, Martin Garrix, Ninho, Sean Paul… 2022: Garorock hell of a lineup after Covid



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