Sandrine Quétier, financially in trouble since leaving TF1? “A drastic cut in my salary”

Sandrine Quétier, financially in trouble since leaving TF1? “A drastic cut in my salary”
Sandrine Quétier, financially in trouble since leaving TF1? “A drastic cut in my salary”

Since leaving television, Sandrine Quétier has been earning less money. Former TF1 presenter, she spoke about her surprising new life in an interview with “Ciné Télé Revue”.

It was in 2017 that Sandrine Quétier slammed the door on TF1. Known to animate Dancing with the Stars, 50 Minutes Inside or Ninja Warriorthe presenter had been on the channel since 2004. Before that, the 53-year-old hosted shows on M6 and France Télévisions.I really don’t want to go back there. I had a great time there, but that’s part of the evolution…”she confides to Public in 2022. “It seemed logical to me to stop watching television, with the feeling of having seen everything.”

His goal? To devote himself to his passions despite the salary.

In fact, the world of television no longer brought him the professional fulfillment he coveted. “In recent years, I was thinking about my life after, I was anticipating my desires for music, fiction, theater. I wanted to explore areas that I had not or little explored, due to lack of time”.

Done ! But his salary has dropped drastically. “It’s not the same income as at TF1, that’s clear.” Sandrine Quétier frankly confides to Ciné Télé Revue this June 27, 2024. However, the mother of two children had planned it. “I knew I would have a drastic cut in my salary. But I had put money aside. I had this luxury that allowed me to do this“. Caution is the mother of safety.

Speaking to Jordan de Luxe, she confided that she had “divided by 4” his salary. The host had mentioned a tidy sum of 15,000 euros per month just for 50 inside but the presenter denied it by refusing to say the real amount.

What happens to her?

At first, her children, Lola, 23, and Gaston, 21, were worried about their beloved mother’s future. “At first, they were very worried, then quickly quite proud. Their father and I educated our children, Lola and Gaston, in the philosophy of following their desires. Life is not linear, we evolve. The Sandrine of 25 years old and the one of today are no longer the same!”

A beautiful message of fulfillment. Sandrine Quétier now lives from her passion. We could see him in several series like Leo MatteiCamping Paradis or Josephine, guardian angel on TF1. In 2023, the actress plays in the play Two days to break up by Thierry Taieb. More surprisingly, she also created her rock group: Molly PepperOn March 29, the former host released her first solo album. QUETIER.



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