Florian (Married at First Sight) on his father’s presence on his wedding day with Alice

Florian (Married at First Sight) on his father’s presence on his wedding day with Alice
Florian (Married at First Sight) on his father’s presence on his wedding day with Alice

A week after the broadcast of the report of Florian and Alice’s experience in Married at First Sight, the lovers decided to do a live on Instagram to answer questions from their subscribers. The thirty-year-old returns to the presence of his father at their wedding.

The suspense is over; Alice and Florian are still together. After having lived the experience of Married at first sightthe couple survived. Better yet, the two lovers are planning to move in together. This Monday, July 1st, while M6 was broadcasting football, Alice and Florian decided to do a live on Instagram in order to answer – finally! – all the questions that their subscribers and all those who followed their adventures on television are asking. After explaining why the broadcast of the show was the most complicated moment for their couple, the two thirty-somethings returned to their wedding ceremony – and particularly the intimate moments that Florian shared with his father.

An experience rich in emotion“: Florian looks back on the special moments with his father on his wedding day

He came to the wedding, you saw him. There was this very moving sequence where he comes to see me in the hotel room just before arriving at the ceremony venue.“, explains Florian, speaking of his father’s presence in Gibraltar.It’s very powerful because we are a rather modest family and to see your father with tears in his eyes and saying very beautiful things, it’s really very rare to experience these moments so I really enjoyed it. And this experience is also magnificent for that because, yes, we can meet our soul mate, but we also experience a lot of happiness with our loved ones and it’s very very powerful. It’s really an experience that is very rich in emotion” he continued.

I didn’t expect him at all at that time.“: Florian talks about his father’s presence on D-Day

However, Florian gave some details about the gap between the way the events were presented on TV and reality: “Yes, I knew (that his father would be there on his wedding day, editor’s note) so it’s not really a discovery to see him in the hotel room because I knew he was coming but on the other hand I didn’t expect him at all at that moment. I thought it was going to be my sister because she was the one who had followed me from the start, but it was him who absolutely insisted on being in the room“.



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