Our best of children’s books for the summer


A grandmother risks everything, a crocodile looking for the little beast, a cabin in the countryside, a tyrannical lion king who will pay for it… The albums we have chosen will nourish your children’s imagination.

Lisping and brawling crocodile


We don’t understand why this placid and somewhat stupid looking crocodile comes to trouble all the animals he meets. “Are you up for a fight? “, he asks each time with his charming hair on his tongue. When he finally comes across someone stronger than him, then everything becomes clear! A reversal of the situation draws a smile from the adult reading and an “encore!” from the young audience for whom this album is intended. E. v. B.

“The Big-toothed Crocodile” by Michaël Escoffier and Delphine Durand (Gallimard Jeunesse, 32 p., €14.90). From 3 years old.

Step aside


This book is an invitation to curiosity. One Wednesday, Nour and Félix go to Nour’s aunt, Malika. She suggests they go for a walk down the main street, because…“There’s EVERYTHING on the main street”. Children think bakery, toy store, cinema… but it is something else that they find while wandering: an orchard, a secret passage, fox cubs, and even the beach. To meditate on during the holidays, when your child will see nothing else of the landscape except souvenir shops. C. G.

“The Crossroads”, by Maylis Daufresne and Juliette Lagrange (La Joie de lire, 32 p., €17.90). Ages 4 and up.

Caramba, failed again!


The worm wants to eat the apple but the apple falls off the tree. The titmouse wants to eat the worm but the worm escapes. The weasel wants to eat the titmouse but a swarm of bees gets involved. The snake wants to eat the weasel but the snake falls into the water. And so on… So many missed opportunities, so many repeated fiascos in this bestiary supposed to illustrate, within the same image that invites the eye to gallop too, the beautiful and great necessity of the food chain. Except that the law of the strongest is not always what we think, this mischievous race for the shallot reminds us. F. P.

” Lack ! », by Antonin Faure (Les Editions des elephants, 48 ​​p., €15). From 3 years.

Stop your tank, dad!


This is a tale well suited to its time: a dad tries to tell his daughter a story to put her to sleep. But everything he says annoys the child: too conventional, sexist, racist, clichés… the ancestral and stereotypical fatherly stories based on unicorns and big bad wolves have no success with the new generation. The wise conclusion of this album: Carole suggests that her father talk to him about him, about their family, about the future. In short, subjects that concern and interest her. Something to think about as a parent. E. v. B.

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