European elections 2024: the results in Italy

European elections 2024: the results in Italy
European elections 2024: the results in Italy

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In Italy, the president of the council, Giorgia Meloni, is the big winner of the vote, which she had excessively personalized. His party, Fratelli d’Italia (FdI), obtained, with 28.9%, a score almost 3 points higher than that recorded during the legislative elections of September 2022. Despite a historically low participation at 49.6%, it reaffirms its dominant position over its right and far-right coalition, whose center-right pillar, Forza Italia, has risen to League level, reaching almost 9%. The success of M’s partyme Meloni at the polls also strengthens her position in Brussels, where, as head of government and party leader, she intends to influence the balance on the right of the hemicycle. In opposition, the Democratic Party (PD, center left) asserts its preponderance, coming second with 24.6% of the votes cast, more than 5 points more than in 2022, far ahead of the Five-star movement, which lost 6 points compared to the last legislative elections, with 9.5% of the votes. The general secretary of the PD, Elly Schlein, elected in 2023, therefore sees her approach rewarded by the heavy burden of finding a common purpose for a divided opposition.

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