“Swipers” are those who steal from supermarket checkouts and it’s booming!

“Swipers” are those who steal from supermarket checkouts and it’s booming!
“Swipers” are those who steal from supermarket checkouts and it’s booming!

Do you know the “swiper” community?

If I ask you the question, it’s because I didn’t know.

I discovered this while listening to a column from France Culture source here.

It was there that I learned that not only did the barely guilty journalist in question shamelessly admit to having stolen from supermarket self-checkouts, but that this was a booming phenomenon and that these thieves who are not of a new genre, a thief being a thief, yesterday as today contrary to what this journalist may try to justify, but that these thieves had a name.

Swipe them and no it’s not a new wipe!

It stands for “Seemingly Well Intentioned Patrons Engaging in Regular Shoplifting”.

Thieves, then.

But it is true that this brings us back to some questions about these automatic checkouts which apparently do not encourage honesty!

I’ll let you listen to the story where the theft is justified by this technophile environment.

What is certain is that, like many French people, I do not steal from automatic checkouts.


I take great pleasure in checking out with a human.

To chat with the cashier.

I take the time to put my shopping in my shopping cart.

To pay by credit card with contact and by entering my code.

Yes… modestly my act of resistance does not consist in stealing, but in making a person who needs a salary work.

On the other hand, I can only say that the more thefts there are, the more supermarkets will be forced to conserve human beings, and therefore work, and therefore the distribution of wealth by paying salaries.

This is why I am sharing this article.

Things are always nuanced.

Stealing is wrong and it’s not good.

On the other hand, if self-checkouts require more guards than cashiers, then we will find our cashiers as our shopping makes our jobs.

Charles SANNAT

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“By wanting to stifle peaceful revolutions, we make violent revolutions inevitable” (JFK)

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