Delphine Colas (Large families) reveals the damage caused by a storm in her garden

Today at 19:00 – by
Tanguy Jaillant

This Sunday, June 30, Delphine Colas had a bad surprise when she woke up. The influencer revealed in Large families: life in XXLhad to mobilize her husband and children to clean her swimming pool and garden.

After being revealed on the show Large families: life in XXL, the Colas have decided to put an end to their television adventure. However, Delphine and Olivier, the two parents, remain no less active. Indeed, the mother continues to reveal on social networks her days punctuated by the organization of her home and the education of her children. Recently, Delphine Colas explained to her subscribers that she had a lot of trouble doing without her husband when he was traveling. “I often think of the military wives who manage their large families alone for several months, and I admire them!”she explained on Instagram, specifying that she nevertheless managed to draw some positive from this situation. “Before, I hated it when Olivier went on trips and then I learned to see the positive: having special moments with the children, being even more focused on my professional goals, following my diet to the letter, watching girls’ series with Selena”she added.

Delphine Colas (Large families) annoyed after a storm which devastated her garden

In Instagram stories published this Sunday, June 30, Delphine Colas spoke out again. Unfortunately, the mother revealed to her subscribers that a storm had hit her house, and more specifically her garden. While the tribe had maintained the plants around the pool, they were torn off by the gusts of wind. “Last night, mini storm and sand rain. We can’t take it anymore… Everything has to be redone…”, thus regretted the former TF1 candidate. Fortunately, Delphine can count on the support of her husband and children to put everything back in order. In the following publications, we can indeed see her daughter wiping down an outdoor table, her son sweeping around the pool or her partner Olivier pulling up dead plants. “The enthusiasm of the child who helps”she wrote to illustrate a video of her son.

Delphine Colas (Large Families) sells her house in Isère: “We want adventures”

In a few weeks, Delphine Colas and her loved ones will have the opportunity to relax during their summer vacation. And this year, the tribe has a well-defined project. On Instagram, the mother said that she had contacted a Swedish family by videoconference. “We’re keeping the sun option for August, but we also want adventures and discoveries. The children also ask us to go to new countries to discover new cultures, etc. We really want to discover Scandinavia“, she assured, before continuing: “So the idea would be to do two house exchanges: the first in the south of Sweden, on the beach side, and only an hour from Copenhagen.”

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias.

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