Tex talks about his dismissal from France 2: his wife Béatrice took it very badly, “we put our children in a safe place but…”

Tex talks about his dismissal from France 2: his wife Béatrice took it very badly, “we put our children in a safe place but…”
Tex talks about his dismissal from France 2: his wife Béatrice took it very badly, “we put our children in a safe place but…”

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Following an inappropriate joke on the set of It’s just TV In 2017 on C8, Tex was ousted from France 2, the channel where he presented the daily game show THE Z’amoursThe presenter, who was later fired from France Télévisions, was the guest of The Jordan Deluxe Pool this Tuesday July 2, 2024 on C8.

Facing Jordan de Luxe, at whose house a DJ pulled out his penis in the middle of a show, Tex returned to his joke about battered women which led to his forced departure from the airwaves. “What I regret is that it was translated literally…“, he confessed. He then revealed that his loved ones had a hard time during this period, particularly his wife Béatrice.

Tex opens up about the consequences of his dismissal from France 2 on his wife

“She (his wife Beatrice) took it badly. We took our children to safety, but she took it badly because she heard disgusting things said about me… I knew it was lies so it passed over me. I stayed relaxed, I avoided the shock so as not to get an ulcer, but she, she took…”explained the former France 2 presenter who lost his appeal against the production of Z’amours.

Jordan de Luxe then tried to find out how he had managed to keep his children safe. “I didn’t want to do a bunch of TV shows again, show where I was and have people say: ‘Ah, it’s your father…’ Because when you start to justify yourself in a rumor, you give credence to this rumor… So we must not let the rumor spread and especially not comment on it!”Tex said.

At the end of the show, the host confronted “Splash questions” from Jordan de Luxe. The latter undertook to find out more about his retirement. “When your name is Tex, do you have a good enough pension to go on a quiet vacation?”he asked. The former presenter of Z’amours responded affirmatively. “How much is the pension?”added the C8 morning presenter. “Enough !”replied his guest. He then tried to find out if the amount of his pension was above 5000 euros. Tex refused to say more. “We have enough, that’s good! I have a pretty good pension!”he simply said.



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