Olivia Gayat (Large families) in shock, she shares a moving experience about her role as a mother

Olivia Gayat (Large families) in shock, she shares a moving experience about her role as a mother
Olivia Gayat (Large families) in shock, she shares a moving experience about her role as a mother

What parent has never felt a sudden, inexplicable and irrational fear for their child? In mid-June, fans of Large families: life in XXL had reason to be over the moon, as the eighth season of the hit reality show resumed airing on TF1. Viewers were reunited with the Gayat clan: Soukdavone and Olivier are the parents of a large family. Olivia, their eldest daughteris herself the mother of a little boy named Kayden, who is the first grandson of the happy grandparents. From time to time, the young woman shares her daily life via her Instagram account. In a succession of stories broadcast on Saturday June 29 on the social network, she spoke of her recent concern as a mother.

Ce “bad feeling” who seized Olivia Gayat (Large families)

“Something incomprehensible happened to me, it was the first time”confided Olivia Gayat, in the preamble, to her community. “I don’t know if this has ever happened to any of you, I would like to hear your feedback.”then clarified the mother, facing the camera, before describing the facts. “I was at a soccer tournament and my boyfriend was at home all day with Kayden. They went out, went shopping, played together”, detailed the young woman, before specifying that it was extremely rare for her companion, Sorachadi, to call her when she was not with him. At the end of the sports tournament, when she got his cell phone back, she discovered that he had tried to contact her. “I can’t explain why, my heart raced, I started to panic. […] My heart was beating at 2000, my legs were trembling.”she revealed, saying she had “a bad feeling”.

Olivia Gayat (Large families) : “I am shocked by the reaction I got”

At that time, Olivia Gayat was convinced that her partner wanted to tell her bad news. “I imagined myself breaking down, screaming, I thought of my son”she added in the same video. What made her even more panicked was that she immediately tried to contact her lover, on several occasions, but he did not answer her: “I called him at least ten times, I was so panicked. […] I made films for myself and just talking to you about them makes me want to collapse. […] I said to myself: ‘There is something… It’s over…’ […] I panicked so much that I called my mother, my sister… […] I’m telling you about it because I’m shocked by the reaction I got.” Fortunately more fear than harm : her partner simply wanted to ask her if she had her bank card with herbecause he had forgotten it in his car! An anecdote that Olivia Gayat and her loved ones should remember for a long time…

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias



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