how “Project 2025” prepares Donald Trump’s return to power

how “Project 2025” prepares Donald Trump’s return to power
how “Project 2025” prepares Donald Trump’s return to power

In 2016, he wasn’t ready. This time, he is. If Donald Trump is elected in November, the portrait of America could change radically, to the point that some fear for the future of democracy in the United States.

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By winning the race for the White House eight years ago, Donald Trump created a surprise. “He himself didn’t expect it”recalls Nicole Bacharan, historian and political scientist, specialist in the United States. “He had no team, no program. There, if he is elected, they will no longer be amateurs. They explored well how to twist institutions to establish greater presidential power. »

And behind the scenes, a very active movement which rallied behind the conservative candidate with a meticulously orchestrated plan. It’s “Project 2025”, which is causing people to turn pale in the corridors of American institutions. A political program carried by a powerful reactionary think tank, the Heritage Foundation, which details, in more than 900 pages, how to entrench an ultra-conservative and Christian nationalist America.

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In this detailed specification, the think tank explains how to materialize the presidential transition around a far-right program, anti-immigrant, anti-LGBT, anti-abortion, anti-woke, or even calling for an end to the “war on oil”.

Our goal is to assemble an army of aligned, vetted, trained and prepared conservatives

— Paul Dans, director of “Project 2025” at the Heritage Foundation

Trump’s army

At the same time, the group is undertaking a massive recruitment of personnel committed to the Trumpist cause and trained in the workings of government. “These are lists of people who are ready to be hired in the Trump administration, whose CVs, beliefs, public statements, etc. are scrutinized to determine whether this…



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