Saint-Étienne: new mobilization at Stas after a double attack

On June 20, two Stas checkers were attacked in Saint-Étienne.

The CFDT calls for a new day of mobilization at Stas Monday July 1stwith a gathering from 10 a.m. in front of the Loire prefecture at Saint Etienne.

In question: a double assault that occurred last Thursday. According to the union, two auditors were taken to task by an individual, around 10 p.m. The latter allegedly tried to escape their control at the People’s Square stop.

The two officers, injured, were taken care of and were prescribed three days of ITT.

13 attacks on agents in a few months

“We are not punching bags”, insists the union, which indicates that 13 attacks on agents have been recorded since April.

The union once again denounces the attitude of Saint-Étienne Métropole and the public authorities which remain deaf to the requests of “securing transport employees in the Saint-Etienne metropolitan area”.

The CFDT requires in particular “the increase in the numbers of the national police
transports“, the creation of a dedicated font and “maintaining the number of mediation agents dedicated to transport”.

►Police – Justice

Assault on a Stas driver: two years in prison

This Wednesday, June 26, a 20-year-old young man…



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