a man tries to retrieve a baby, hospitalized for ingesting cannabis

a man tries to retrieve a baby, hospitalized for ingesting cannabis
a man tries to retrieve a baby, hospitalized for ingesting cannabis

A very violent scene took place yesterday in the Pediatric Emergency Department. A couple, who presented themselves after the hospitalization of a baby in serious condition, attacked the nursing staff.

This Wednesday, some pediatric emergency workers from the Women’s, Mother and Child’s House stopped work to denounce the violent behavior of the couple and, in particular, of the man.

According to our information, the 18-month-old girl was admitted to the Pediatric Emergency Department, after suspicions of ingesting cannabis. At the time of his transport to the MFME, his vital prognosis was in jeopardy.

The couple, the mother and her partner, who is not the father of the child, then showed up angry. They contested the hospitalization of the child and wanted to recover him while he was in care.

Infusions torn off

The caregivers refused and the tone quickly rose. According to our elements. The stepfather is said to have violently insulted nurses and doctors and even tore out the child’s IV fluids, putting his life at serious risk.

The police, called to the scene, arrested the couple, who have been taken into police custody since yesterday. During their hearings, they would have mentioned an unfortunate accident involving the ingestion of cannabis.

They are being prosecuted for “endangering the lives of others, rebellion and violence”.

The Fort-de-France public prosecutor’s office must decide what action to take in this matter. The life of the 18-month-old baby would, in any case, no longer be threatened at this time.



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