an altercation at a gas station and a “very high speed” chase

an altercation at a gas station and a “very high speed” chase
an altercation at a gas station and a “very high speed” chase

Sunday June 2, four young people, aged 16 to 20, died suddenly on a road in Libourne in Gironde. Since then, investigations have continued to shed light on the circumstances of the accident. This Tuesday, June 4, the prosecution confirms the presence of a second vehicle and a chase “at very high speed”.

This is one of the deadliest accidents in recent years in the town of Libourne. During the night from Saturday to Sunday, June 2, three young people, aged 19 to 20, were killed in a road accident. A fourth person, aged 16, was transported as an absolute emergency to Libourne hospital, then declared dead in the morning. The fifth passenger, out of danger, suffered multiple fractures.

An altercation, followed by a chase. The first investigations of the investigation carried out by the Libourne gendarmerie brigade are gradually shedding light on the circumstances of this tragic event. In a press release released this Tuesday, June 4, the Libourne prosecutor’s office speaks of a second car involved in an altercation at a gas station.

According to the latest information communicated, the first car, a Renault Modus carrying five passengers on board, stopped “at a gas station located in Saint-Seurin-sur-l’Isle, in Gironde, at 2:13 a.m.”, specifies Loïs Raschel, Libourne prosecutor. “The images taken from the video surveillance of the service station allowed us to see the driver of the Renault Modus speaking to the driver of a Renault Laguna vehicle, who had arrived at the scene a few minutes earlier and who was in the process of taking gasoline.”

Two minutes later, the Laguna left “abruptly”at a gas station, closely followed by the Modus and its five passengers. The second vehicle started suddenly “the car door still open”.
“The two vehicles were driving at very high speed towards Libourne for almost 20 minutes, specifies the prosecution. The driver of the Renault Modus vehicle hit a tree located on the shoulder, in a straight portion of the track (D1089).”


The victims’ car crashed into this tree around 2:30 a.m. on the Libourne ring road. Four young people aged 17 to 20 died.

© France 3 Aquitaine

On Sunday afternoon, two individuals were taken into custody. These were finally lifted and the investigations “are actively continuing to determine the roles and responsibilities of each person.”

After the accident, the mayor of the town of Libourne, Philippe Buisson, wondered about the circumstances of the accident. “ambiguous and complex than a simple road accident”. Among the questions that arose, the possible presence of a third party responsible for the accident.


The young people would be from the town of Coutras and its surroundings.

© Maria Laforcade France 3 Aquitaine

In the town of Coutras of 8,500 inhabitants, the accident arouses emotion. The A89 is regularly used by motorists to reach Libourne. A road “very deadly”. “Unfortunately, there are very often accidents, regrets a local resident. It’s a shock when you learn that. Four out of five deaths in the same vehicle is violent. It makes you think, no matter how careful you are, there is always something, a little careless mistake, it doesn’t take much.”



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