“Before you increase taxes…”: a close friend of Emmanuel Macron pays Michel Barnier in the street

“Before you increase taxes…”: a close friend of Emmanuel Macron pays Michel Barnier in the street
“Before you increase taxes…”: a close friend of Emmanuel Macron pays Michel Barnier in the street

Michel Barnier is expected around the corner. The new Prime Minister must prove himself to convince the French and it was a highly anticipated first speech that he gave this Tuesday, October 1st. He made part of the journey on foot and, on the way, he came across a familiar face, that of Pierre Charon. The latter was at a counter when he realized that the new Prime Minister was moving in his direction. When greeting him, he said a very unexpected sentence: “I’m getting money before you increase taxes”.

A sentence said in a tone of humor and which will have amused those present alongside Michel Barnier. Questioned on camera subsequently, Pierre Baron gave an opinion concerning the new Prime Minister. “We were the same age, we were at the IGP together, I know him very well”,

he began. Both long-time friends, he was then delighted to see that, at the age of 73 now, they are in the spotlight. “It’s the return of the boomers”, laughed Pierre Charon who has complete confidence in Michel Barnier.

Pierre Charon: “It was not a mistake”

Pierre Charon did not mince his words. Close to Emmanuel Macron but also to the new Prime Minister, he assures that the latter will succeed in pushing through what is, according to him, necessary for the French. “He can do it, he will pass the budget already, happily in my opinion”, he said before continuing:
“Then he will have a few small mood swings but I think his style is likely to please people in the chamber.”
If Pierre Charon has complete confidence in Michel Barnier, will he manage to convince the French?

Pierre Charon was transparent. Questioned by journalist Paul Larrouturou, he assures that he was “for dissolution. It was not a mistake” before providing details: “Jordan Bardella had just won, it was the irresistible rise of the National Rally”.
Subsequently, Pierre Charon asks: “Who was going to stop them? Renaissance? The Mickey Club? I don’t think so.” Faced with the journalist’s surprise, he explains that the deputies of the Renaissance party are “all 12 and a half years old”, specifying that this dissolution was beneficial for the country. Everyone has a chance in the presidential elections,” concluded Pierre Charon.

Michel Barnier: did he mention an increase in taxes?

Pierre Charon showed humor when he met his friend but… Did he just know something? A few minutes later, it’s
Michel Barnier who spoke at the National Assembly
. He particularly mentioned taxes, explaining that an increase could not be avoided. “This sharing of effort will lead us to ask for participation in collective recovery from large companies that make significant profits,” he explained at first.

Following his speech, Michel Barnier made it known that this tax surcharge would affect large companies but also the wealthiest people. “This requirement will also lead us to ask for an exceptional contribution from the wealthiest French people in order to avoid tax exemption strategies for the largest taxpayers,” he confided, assuring that details would be provided soon. Nothing to surprise the French who were expecting it.



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