Trump prepares to lose… and contest

Trump prepares to lose… and contest
Trump prepares to lose… and contest

Towards the end of an electoral campaign, there are signs that don’t lie: the money we spend (or don’t spend!) remains the best indicator of what people expect. candidates and their organizations.

Posted at 3:14 a.m.

Updated at 7:00 a.m.

Or, le New York Times reports that the Republican Party has begun outsourcing the turnout effort to affiliated groups to “redirect resources to litigation” in the courts and so-called “election integrity” initiatives.1.

Ask any election organizer, here as in the United States, the key to victory is to encourage people to exercise their right to vote. Identify your supporters and ensure that they will vote. Even if that means driving them to the polling station or finding someone to look after the children while they go to vote.

In the United States, the presidential campaign is in its final stretch, and the Trump campaign has nothing more pressing to do than prepare legal appeals – which necessarily implies that we do not believe that we will earn.

In other words, former President Trump believes that it is more important to prepare for defeat than to invest in victory.

But the goal pursued by the Trump campaign also seems to be to create an atmosphere of chaos during the days following the election and during which the candidate will be able to sow doubt on the integrity of the exercise, as he did in 2020.

It is therefore not surprising that, in certain counties in Pennsylvania – the most important of the pivotal states in this campaign – lawyers associated with the Republican Party are trying, for example, to force a manual counting of votes rather than relying on to voting machines. Which will take days, during which we will have no results.

It should be remembered that in 2020, Mr. Trump declared that the election had been stolen from him and posted a message on Twitter very early in the evening saying “I won this election, by a lot!” “.

All kinds of challenges to this election were then taken to court by the Trump campaign, which was unable to prove any electoral fraud whatsoever.

Some of Mr. Trump’s lawyers pushed the issue so hard with unfounded accusations that they lost their right to practice law. This is the case, in particular, of former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani.

And it all culminated on January 6, 2021 when Congress was invaded by supporters of Donald Trump who tried to violently prevent the proclamation of the results of the Electoral College, which would formalize Joe Biden’s victory.

One would have thought that this tragic event would have caused the former president to question himself and that his campaign would have changed tactics. This is not the case. And he is preparing for a period of uncertainty or even chaos that would allow him, at least, to cast doubt on the validity of the election.

These are the same speeches as four years ago, which did not allow him to overturn the result of the election. Only to create an impression of chaos.

But as we wait until November, there are other signs that may tell us that Mr. Trump feels this election is slipping away from him. The polls are very close and nothing has been settled yet, but we can still detect a very modest, but very real trend towards Democratic candidate Kamala Harris since her debate with Mr. Trump.

And we see a sort of renunciation in the vocabulary that Mr. Trump has been using in recent days.

Certainly, he never wrote a book on decorum. But recently, he has been exaggerating, even for his Republican supporters in Congress.

He crossed the line when he claimed that Kamala Harris is “mentally defective,” adding that President Biden later became crazy, but that his vice president was crazy “from birth.”

For good measure, he added that his running mate, Gov. Tim Walz, was a “fool” (“Idiot”). a total moron ”, in the original version).

But that’s nothing compared to what he says about immigrants. Last Saturday, in Wisconsin, he said that if Mme Harris was elected, immigrants “will come into your kitchen, they will slit your throat.”

He also predicted the ruin of America, the start of a third world war and a nuclear catastrophe, in the event of his adversary’s victory.

One month before the election, this is not the speech of someone who is optimistic and seeks to convince voters. It would be much more that of someone who pours out his heart before leaving political life.

1. Read the text of the New York Times (in English)

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