Côte-d’Or: bicycles to replace cars?

And you, would you be ready to give up the car to take your children to school by bike? For example, with a cargo bikethese large machines with an imposing trunk at the front or a reinforced and extended luggage rack at the rear to transport several people.
In the area, the company “Douze Cycles” manufactures this type of equipment in Longvic and on the occasion of mobility week, it organizes factory price sales, 20 to 30% cheaper than at a retailer. “We employ around fifty people, we have been around for 12 years, we sell thousands of bikes all over Europe, but we are not necessarily known locally. That is why we are organising this kind of sale this Saturday on our site” says Arnaud Liégeon, the production manager.

The bikes of “Douze Cycles” © Radio
Olivier Estran

Julien is the father of Clémence (4 and a half years old) and Camille (2 and a half years old), and he drives around the parking lot with his two children on the luggage rack. “I just ordered this bike” he explains. “It costs 3,600 euros, but it’s electric, comfortable and pleasant. My partner and I only have one car, and it’s mainly used for shopping. We already take the children to school by bike, but with a trailer that’s getting too small. The price of this new bike is high, but unlike a car, we don’t have to pay for insurance or fuel. It’s a machine in its own right, our second car in a way!”

“This will be our second car”

This solution also appeals to Justine who lives in Gilly-les-Cîteaux. “I live in the countryside, so there’s no problem getting this bike out. And yes, it could save me from having to take the car to take my two children to school or for a ride.” This mother first tests a two-wheeler: a bike with a large trunk at the front. It is 2.70 meters long. and its handling requires a few turns of the wheels. “Don’t look for your front wheel, instead look far ahead” advises Arnaud Liégeon. “Yes, it’s a bit confusing, but you quickly get used to it,” confides Justine. “It’s easy to handle and light, I want to emphasize that.”

The largest models are 2.70 meters long.
The largest models are 2.70 meters long. © Radio France
Olivier Estran

This young mother then tries a “long-tail”: a bike with a reinforced and elongated luggage rack that can safely accommodate two children. The price, however, makes her a little nervous: this model is sold between 3,500 and 4,000 euros, including factory price reduction. Justine will therefore think about it but promises to choose this local brand if she takes the plunge. “The price ranges are the same everywhere, so you might as well give priority to a local business” she confides.

“Our price range is from 2,500 euros to 6,000 euros” specifies Arnaud Liégeon. “All our bikes are designed here, and assembled from components manufactured in Asia, Europe or France. We work in collaboration with Toyota, Peugeot or Sunn (French bike brand – Editor’s note). Today, we are probably the largest manufacturer of French cargo bikes!”

There next factory price salethis is what Saturday September 21 from 9 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. on the site of Twelve Cycles, at 8 rue de Romelet in Longvic.

A cargo bike developed for the Toyota automobile network
A cargo bike developed for the Toyota automobile network © Radio France
Olivier Estran


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