How much is gas this Tuesday, September 17, 2024?

How much is gas this Tuesday, September 17, 2024?
How much is gas this Tuesday, September 17, 2024?

Natural Gas Prices at Henry Hub

The Henry Hub natural gas market is one of the most closely followed and is a benchmark for gas prices in the United States. Currently, Henry Hub natural gas is quoted at $2.373/MMBtu as of September 16, 2024. This price is particularly relevant for North American consumers and also influences overall gas prices.

Natural Gas Price TTF

The Title Transfer Facility (TTF) is the reference market for gas in Europe. As of September 16, 2024, the price of gas on the TTF is 34.31 EUR/MWh. Fluctuations in this price often reflect supply and demand dynamics on the old continent, particularly in times of geopolitical tension or increased consumption.

Liquefied Gas Price for Japan

The liquefied gas price for Japan is a key indicator in the Asian context. As of August 31, 2024, it was set at USD 12.47/MMBtu. Japan’s demand for liquefied gas is considerable, especially since the Fukushima accident, making it a major player in the global gas market.

Natural Gas Index (World Bank)

The World Bank’s Natural Gas Index, which stood at 91.45 points as of August 31, 2024, provides a broad view of the health of the global gas market. The index reflects general trends in the sector and variations due to various economic and political factors.

Natural Gas in Europe according to the World Bank

The price of natural gas in Europe, as explained by the World Bank, was USD 12.37/MMBtu on August 31, 2024. This value is often influenced by gas reserves, EU energy policies, and trade relations with other gas-producing states.

Natural Gas Prices in the United States According to the World Bank

The price of natural gas in the United States, also referenced by the World Bank, was $1.99/MMBtu as of August 31, 2024. This market is crucial for assessing internal trends and potential impacts on liquefied natural gas exports to other regions of the world.

Propane Prices

Propane, often combined with other forms of gas, has a current price of $0.65372/Gal, as of September 16, 2024. This product is widely used for heating and as a raw material in the chemical industry, making its price an indicator of overall economic health.

Gas Prices in the UK

The UK gas market is monitored through the UK Gas Index, which is currently at £81.42/Thm as of 16 September 2024. UK prices can be affected by a variety of factors such as weather, local demand and energy policy.

Gas Price Summary

Hint Last Value Date
Liquefied natural gas, Japan (World Bank) 12.47 USD/MMBtu 08/31/2024
Natural gas Henry Hub 2.373 USD/MMBtu 09/16/2024
Natural gas TTF 34.31 EUR/MWh 09/16/2024
Natural gas index (World Bank) 91.45 Points 08/31/2024
Natural gas, Europe (World Bank) 12.37 USD/MMBtu 08/31/2024
Natural gas, US (World Bank) 1.99 USD/MMBtu 08/31/2024
Propane 0.65372 USD/Gal 09/16/2024
UK Gas 81.42 GBP/Thm 09/16/2024


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