Audiences: What is the assessment of season 9 of “The Intern” with Michèle Bernier on 3?

Audiences: What is the assessment of season 9 of “The Intern” with Michèle Bernier on 3?
Audiences: What is the assessment of season 9 of “The Intern” with Michèle Bernier on France 3?

“La stagiaire” is still a hit on 3. The 9th season of the series starring Michèle Bernier ended yesterday on a very good note, bringing together no less than 4.41 million viewers for the final episode, representing an audience share of 22.1%. On the target of Women Purchasing Managers aged under 50 (FRDA-50), it reached 5.3%. Scores that allowed the Trois to come out on top in the audience ratings on Tuesday 17 September, despite strong competition (“Koh-Lanta” on TF1 in particular).

Was season 9 more watched than season 8?

Since the series returned on August 27, every Tuesday evening has been dominated by the detective fiction featuring the adventures of Constance Meyer (Michèle Bernier) and Judge Boris Delcourt (Antoine Hamel). To the point of achieving better audience ratings than the previous season?

Between August 27 and September 17, 2024, the six episodes of the series brought together, on average, 4.06 million of the faithful, either 21.7% of the entire public and 5.7% Women responsible for purchasing under 50 (FRDA-50). Very good figures for the series which also features Philippe Lelièvre, who plays Michèle Bernier’s husband.

Compared to the scores for season 8, the number of viewers has slightly decreased over a year (4.14 million fans had watched the previous season on average) while the audience share has increased very slightly (+0.2 points of PDA). The score on the FRDA-50 target has not moved a single comma. The last evening of the season was the most watched, while the 2nd, during which episodes 3 and 4 were broadcast, had the fewest viewers. The latter had in fact gathered an average of 3.89 million viewers (21.4% of the public and 6.5% of FRDA-50).

A season 10 in preparation?

Let the faithful fans of the program rest assured, this season 9 was not the last. There will be a season 10, which has already been filmed. Michèle Bernier had indeed posted last July on Instagram a photo of herself accompanied by her sidekick Antoine Hamel with the following caption: “And here it is!! End clap season 10!!! Thanks to our whole team for their professionalism, their kindness!!! We love being together! Technicians, directors, producers, actors!!! Have a good summer friends!!! With all my love!“.



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