In Nîmes, the Jemanîmes association shows the routes of creation

In Nîmes, the Jemanîmes association shows the routes of creation
In Nîmes, the Jemanîmes association shows the routes of creation

Craftsmen and artists are gathered to present their creations and their know-how this weekend at Espace 14, on the quays of the , in Nîmes.

“Crafts, art and creation are part of our heritage. Every year, we try to expand our events”explains Guylaine Ragheboom, head of the Jemaînes association with Seila Julian Gaufrès and Mondello, who is joining in the heritage days by taking over Espace 14 for a weekend, on the quays of the Fontaine.

Routes and connections

Embracing the annual theme “Heritage of routes, networks and connections”, the 26 creators gathered together each present a work. “The theme speaks to us, because by participating in an association, we create a network and there are connections between us.”jokes Guylayne Ragheboom. This is how the idea of ​​proposals developed in pairs or groups, around common subjects, was born. Some themes emerged in connection with local, the paths of water and textiles, the links between Rome and Egypt, clean itineraries and roots…

The weekend is not limited to an exhibition. The days will already be an opportunity to discover the history of this private mansion, built by Doctor Cincinnatus Fontaine in 1847 and which today belongs to the Penchinat family. Photos and archive documents will allow you to go back in time.

Flavors and know-how

Friday evening, at 6:30 p.m., the weekend begins with music with the traveling songs of the Sœurs Antienne. Saturday and Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., demonstrations and participatory workshops will allow you to discover wicker basketwork with Marianne Rojel, antique frescoes and the use of pigments with Guylaine Ragheboom, sculpture in papier-mâché and papier-mâché with Nadine Deleuze or French polish with furniture restorer Didier Yermia. Saturday at 3 p.m., Dominique Marck presents a slide show around the Pradier fountain accompanied by readings. Sunday, at 4:30 p.m., the Musical Intervention Brigade will rediscover the sounds of the Languedoc oboe.

Finally, heritage can also be gourmet. Jemanîmes will take advantage of these meetings to put on sale its new chocolates, made by Charly Bascou, from molds by Guylaine Ragheboom. After the Maison Carrée last year, it is the arenas that are in the spotlight this year.

Saturday, September 21, 10 a.m.-7:30 p.m.; Sunday, September 22, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2 p.m.-6 p.m. Espace 14, 14 quai de la Fontaine, Nîmes. Free. Facebook @Jema Nîmes. Instagram @jemanmesassociation


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